[macemacsjp-english 53] Re: .emacs and site-start.el

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Jay Cotton jay****@fleei*****
Tue Apr 19 00:39:54 JST 2005


Thanks for your response. I tried your method (using 'message instead 
of 'insert). This time the messages appeared in the proper order:

finishing site-start.el
finishing .emacs

Very interesting. I agree that the message function seems like a much 
better choice for observing the order that things happened.

I am curious about your comment:

> Since Carbon Emacs's frame-related settings are possibly evaluated in
> the later stage of startup, be sure to override the above two settings.

It would be nice if there was a way to say something in the .emacs file 
to the effect of: evaluate this expression *last*, after everything 
else has happened to get this system up and running. I'll look in my 
elisp manual and try to learn more about the startup process.


On Apr 18, 2005, at 8:37 AM, Seiji Zenitani wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2005/04/18, at 3:31, Jay Cotton wrote:
>> Here is how I tested this. In my site-start.el file, I placed at the
>> end of it: (insert "Finishing Site-Start\n\n"). This should insert the
>> string into the contents of the *scratch* buffer (that is how it works
>> on my system). Then, in my .emacs file, I put, at the end of it,
>> (insert "Finishing .emacs\n\n"), which also inserts the string 
>> argument
>> into the *scratch* buffer. When I start emacs, it produces this for my
>> *scratch* buffer:
>> finishing .emacs
>> finishing site-start.el
>> I am not an emacs expert, but this seemed like an ok test. Is it
>> possible that the buffer insertions could be output in a different
>> order? (I don't know.)
> As far as I tested, there seems to be no problem. I put (message
> "Finishing .emacs") and (message "Finishing Site-Start") and then I
> found the below lines in the *Messages* buffer.
> Finishing Site-Start
> Finishing .emacs
> Note that (message) is better than (insert). If some procedure triggers
> (beginning-of-buffer) or something, the order in the *scratch* buffer
> is easily disturbed.
>> The first time I noticed this was when I first tried the distribution
>> and it overwrote my font size. As the program loaded, I could watch 
>> the
>> default font change to my preference, stay there for a few seconds, 
>> and
>> then it would change to a larger size. Then, I would run my .emacs 
>> file
>> manually and the font would go back to my preferred size and stay
>> there.
> How do you set your fontset?
> The default settings are as follows:
>    (set-default-font "fontset-osaka12")
>    (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "fontset-osaka12"))
> Since Carbon Emacs's frame-related settings are possibly evaluated in
> the later stage of startup, be sure to override the above two settings.
>    (set-default-font "something")
>    (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "something"))
>> Today I was having a different problem: my customized css-mode.el 
>> file,
>> which I keep in my lisp directory and adjust frequently, was not
>> loading properly. So I devised the above test.
> Did you checked your load-path?
> Seiji
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Jay Cotton

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