[macemacsjp-english 244] Re: ispell no longer works in the latestversion

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Peter Dyballa Peter_Dybal****@Web*****
Wed Sep 28 21:20:33 JST 2005

Am 28.09.2005 um 13:20 schrieb Zenitani Seiji:

> What is "german8"? Is it better german dictionary?

It's the proper *ispell* dictionary with umlauts in the words. It works 
very well in all Emacsen, and /usr/local/bin/aspell accepts this name 
too in the other Emacsen.

I see no reason why I should prepare two different (dictionary) names 
(although possible). Ispell.el is meant to work with aspell and ispell 
as well, which includes the (re-)use of arguments like the dictionary's 
name. And aspell is written with the intention to become a replacement 
of ispell one day.



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