David Reitter
Wed Aug 23 17:13:01 JST 2006
On 23 Aug 2006, at 08:44, Peter Dyballa wrote: > > Am 23.08.2006 um 04:38 schrieb Christopher C.Stacy: > >> When I launch more than one Emacs > > Why do you need to do this? If you want to make Carbon Emacs edit a > particular file you can start 'emacs-server' and use emacsclient to > transfer a file from the command line to a running Emacs. Or you can > use a *shell* or *eshell* or *terminal* buffer inside Carbon Emacs – > no need for an 'external' command line! Given the fact that een in 2006 Emacs is not multi-threaded and a single operation (e.g. a CVS checkin, calculation in R via ESS) can block the entire editor, Chris may have valid reasons! If that's not the case, I wouldn't bother with emacs-server. I wrote a little startup script a while ago: http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/CustomizeAquamacs#toc5 It's written for Aquamacs, but a little customization should make it work with Carbon Emacs just the same. D