Roussanka Loukanova
Sat Dec 23 07:00:27 JST 2006
On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Peter Dyballa wrote: > Are you sure that when PDF is set as your default TeX output file > format simpdftex does not work? You are right that simpdftex works when Tex-Pdf mode is enabled (C-c C-t C-p). But C-c C-c invokes the <View command: texdoc lec2.dvi> and I have to delete and replace the dvi with pdf. > > If so, then create a DVIview command and a PDFview command. Could be > for the latter you would have to register first PDF file type. Too much for my knowledge of how-to-do :( > > You might also like to contact the AUCTeX developers mailing list: > Before you do this, sleep once or twice, [...] yes, I need this, I've got entirely exhausted...