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Description du projet

The MIDITrail project website has moved.(2023/8/23)


"MIDITrail" is a MIDI player which provides 3D visualization of MIDI datasets. You can enjoy not only listening but also viewing. MIDITrail supports SMF format 0/1, and multiple MIDI ports. MIDITrail is available for Windows, macOS and iOS.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2012-02-12 15:44
02. MIDITrail for macOS 1.2.0 (2 files Cacher)

Notes de release

Added feature
(1) MIDI IN monitor.
(2) MIDI OUT auto configuration.

Fixed bugs
(1) Screen flickers on skip forwad when repeat ON.

(1) MIDI IN モニタ機能を追加しました。
(2) MIDI OUT 自動設定機能を追加しました。

(1) リピート有効のとき演奏終了直前の前方スキップで画面がちらつく不具合を修正しました。


#27458 Added MIDI IN monitoring
#27459 Added MIDI OUT auto configuration
#27457 Fixed bug. (Screen flickers on skip forwad when repeat ON)

#27458 機能追加:MIDI IN モニタ機能追加
#27459 機能追加:MIDI OUT 自動設定機能追加
#27457 バグ修正:リピート有効のとき演奏終了直前の前方スキップで画面がちらつく