Documents (NVDA 2013.2jp ドキュメント点訳版) | 2013-11-07 22:38 |
nvdajp_addons (opwbe-addon-120718) | 2012-07-18 18:31 |
nvdajp_jtalk_addon (nvdajp-jtalk-130521) | 2013-05-21 17:56 |
nvdajp_kgs_addon (nvdajp-kgs-130521) | 2013-05-21 17:45 |
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It is very responsive and lite-weight, and has support for many different languages. Sapi synthesizers can still be used, but eSpeak will be used by default. eSpeak does not depend on any special software to be installed, so it can be used with NVDA on any computer, on a USB thumb drive, or anywhere. For more info on eSpeak, or to find other versions, go to
NVDA must be restarted for the language change to fully take effect.
This fixes a problem where Eloquence and Viavoice sapi4 synths start speaking way too fast for the first time.
NVDA does not yet automaticlaly read changes, but it does beep when things are being updated. you can arrow around to see what has changed.
Example: it used to take around 8 seconds to load but now it takes only 3.
Talk is just normal speech, off is off, but beeps, is an idea that came from the Dos screen reader, ASAP. This mode plays a 5ms 10000HZ tone (very high and very short) each time an item of speech is supposed to happen. It is very responsive, and it allows you to deal with the situation when you are doing something that is constantly changing the screen, as in millions of files are scrolling up a dos console, or perhaps you are running a setup program that is constantly telling you what file it is copying etc. If you switch to the beeps speech mode, you only have to wait until the flood of beeps stop and you know the task is finished. This is much faster than having to keep pressing control, or waiting for all the speech to finish.
-Navigating by character, word and line -Finding out current font, page number, style, whether you are in a table
-Navigating around cells -Finding out current font, coordinates, whether it has a formular
-Fixed bug that would crash NVDA when dos console windows close -More responsive reading of new text (now watches for MSAA console events rather than checking over and over until it changes) -No longer speaks new text if the new text is a character that the user has just typed
-Now you can use the normal arrow keys to navigate like an edit field -insert+space changes to focusInteractionMode so that key presses such as the arrows go straight through to the object with focus. (Used with Internet Explore to interact with certain form fields).
-Works both in and out of Internet Explorer itself (example: html messages in outlook express) -Gives you the ability to navigate the document with the arrows (character, word and line) -Detects links, form fields, headings etc.
-NVDA menu, exit -Preferences menu, synthesizer... -Help me nu, about...