A lot of work has gone into making this a fantastic, flexible & very versatile OS, combining the capabilities of several other OS'es into one cohesive well fuctioning unit. Hats off the team/ A big Thank you. No more distro hopping for me since installing this last month.
2021-01-09 19:13
Évaluation de Darius
Évaluation :
(1$ de 2 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile)
Managed to install via net once, then tried to reinstall via net the second time the page where it shows different desktop environments to choose from was gone. Could you just upload all the desktops iso here anyway?
Me encanta esta distribución Linux. Cualquier persona, en menos de una hora, puede instalar un sistema operativo rolling-release basado en Arch con casi cualquier escritorio disponible (Gnome, KDE,XFCE, Deepin, Mate,...) sin conocimientos especiales de informática, con un sencillo instalador gráfico.
En un sólo pendrive con cnchi tienes multiples escritorios disponibles
2020-03-04 13:59
Évaluation de givbra
Évaluation :
(1$ de 3 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile)
Excellent Arch Linux distribution! Gratitude for your efforts.
Up to date installation, in house RebornOS tools, one iso for all desktops ...