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SlunkCrypt: Commit

Official SlunkCrypt repository

Commit MetaInfo

Révision2ff7ed8262ce3f6271f86e0dd4a9892387ea7407 (tree)
l'heure2022-11-05 06:17:36
AuteurLoRd_MuldeR <mulder2@gmx....>

Message de Log

Updated README file.

Change Summary


--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -958,6 +958,22 @@ SlunkCrypt can be built from the sources on Microsoft Windows or any POSIX-compa
958958 *Hint:* If you want to build with GCC, which produces faster code than Apple's Xcode compiler, you may install it on Mac OS X via [Homebrew](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/gcc).
961+Frequently Asked Questions
964+* **Why does the decryption of my file fail with a checksum error?**
966+ If SlunkCrypt fails to decrypt a file and reports a “checksum mismatch” error, then this means that either the given file was *not* actually encrypted with SlunkCrypt, the file was corrupted in some kind of way (e.g. incomplete download), or you did *not* provide the correct passphrase for the file. There is, unfortuantely, *no* way to distinguish these three cases, as files encrypted with SlunkCrypt are indistingushable from random noise &ndash; only with the correct passphrase, some meaningful data can be restored from the encrypted file. Trying to decrypt the file with a *wrong* passphrase results in just "random" gibberish! However, the same also happens if the file was corrupted, or if the file was *not* encrypted with SlunkCrypt.
968+ *Note:* If you are using SlunkCrypt 1.3.0 or later, then files that have been encrypted with SlunkCrypt 1.2.x or older can only be decrypted by enabling the “legacy” compatibility-mode!
970+* **How can I recover the lost passphrase for my file?**
972+ SlunkCrypt uses a combination of the given passphrase and the individual nonce to encrypt each file in a *unique* (pseudo-random) way. This means that *no* two files are encrypted in the same way. Consequently, the decryption of the file is *only* possible using the correct passphrase, i.e. the one which was used to encrypt the file. Trying to decrypt the file with a *wrong* passphrase results in just "random" gibberish. And, for good reasons, there is *no* way to recover the passphrase from an encrypted file, so take good care of your passphrase!
974+ In theory, it is possible to “crack” the passphrase using the *brute-force* method, i.e. try out every possible passphrase (up to a certain length) until the correct one is found. However, provided that a sufficiently long and random passphrase was chosen &ndash; which is highly recommended &ndash; there are *way* too many combinations to try them all, in a reasonable time. For example, with a length of 12 characters (ASCII), there are 95<sup>12</sup> = 540,360,087,662,636,962,890,625 possible combinations! This renders *brute-force* attacks practically impossible.
961977 License
962978 =======
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