Bad network connection
Hi, this is still a problem. Is somebody looking at this at all? IT's not clear if it's a problem within OSDN services or Amazon or the network to there but I'm getting Bad gateway errors so I think this may be something within OSDN. This worther back in April and May 1st and broke sometimes after that. Could you confirm your services have no problem or can you identify a possible cause for this? Currently I can't use OSDN because of this, pages are barely accessible with multiple retries only.
This is still not resolved and I can barely use OSDN now with getting bad gateway or gateway timeout errors even when just logging in or accessing one page. Other's confirmed they get the same issue so it's not a local problem with my system but seems to be something at OSDN. Could you please look at and resolve it as soon as possible? (I can't even get to the ticket list to check if others reported similar problem or if there;s nore info on this there. I just get timeout without getting the list.)
Hello, Since the recent weeks I get network response times that make almost unusable. This wasn't a problem in May but now I get very slow responses when accessing or even gateway timeout errors. Doing a traceroute shows packets enter with 5ms response time and exit their network with more than 160ms with the delays increasing between Amsterdam and :London. I'm accessing from Eutope, Hungary but seem to be directed to which does not look like the closest mirror that I shuold be accessing. Was there any change in your network setup that could cause this and could this be fixed somehow? Thank you.