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Voir 4.60 - Change Log

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2008-09-23 21:34
Plain Text
4.60 - Change Log
2008.9.23 (Ver 4.60)
-added support of CHT (Cursor Forward Tabulation) and CBT (Cursor Backward Tabulation) control sequence.
-added support for Visual Bell. When TerTerm receive the BEL character, the window can flash instead of sounding the beep.
--added the Visual option of Beep entry in teraterm.ini file.
-added support for Korean language. Special thanks to Keonsoon Hwang.
-added the error message when a user can not open a log file. However, the logopen macro does not show the error message.
-added support for receiving the escape sequence regarding the code can change the window title.
--added AcceptTitleChangeRequest entry in teraterm.ini file. The default is ON.
--added the check box on Additional settings dialog.
-added support for changing the size of the ConfirmChangePaste dialog.
-added support for saving the size of the ConfirmChangePaste dialog to teraterm.ini file.
--added PasteDialogSize entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is 330x230.
-added support for displaying the terminal size after resizing on the tool tip.
-added support for the progress indicator on the file transfer dialog.
-added the workaround for a lot of pasting data would corrupt on SSH2 connection. This workaround is 10msec waiting with each 500 byte.
-added support for canceling the `messagebox' and the `yesnobox' macro command. When a user cancels the messagebox window, the macro engine halts.
-added support for the TTX interface to hook the serial communication.
-added 'crc32' and crc32file macro command.
-added 'getttdir' macro command.
-Bug fix: A user could not duplicate the network session of TELNET and SSH without port 22 and 23.
-Bug fix: The terminal size could reduce on Windows 98-compatible products.
-Bug fix: TeraTerm icon would 16x16 size when a user changes the window by using Alt+Tab key on Windows Vista Aero.
-upgraded TTSSH version supporting SSH2 to 2.48

2008.9.23 (Ver 2.48)
-added support for VisualHostKey feature with OpenSSH 5.1.
-added a `200' number to LogLevel entry in teraterm.ini file. This logging level enables a user to caputure the SSH RAW packet data in a local file.
-Changed the error message of SSH2 RSA connection when the host key length is too short.
-Bug fix: TeraTerm would stall when a existing host key replaces on Windows Vista.
-upgraded OpenSSL to 0.9.8i