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5d1a352 master 2013-02-06 23:32:17 alucky4416

CHG: lost display text on statusbar, statusbar->showMessage change to addWidget(label)+label->setText().

72ba8e7 2013-02-06 17:38:26 alucky4416

ADD: IconImage to LogStartButton.

03eae88 2013-02-06 16:18:54 alucky4416

ADD: add Icon.

da1a743 2013-02-06 15:40:23 alucky4416

change: change to UTF-8, MainWinodow Display Text, IniFormat.

ccf1bac 2013-02-06 14:22:07 alucky4416

add README_ja.txt, delete USBMeter.lib USBMeter.dll

0a7ed88 2013-01-31 23:42:13 alucky4416

BUG: logthread stop flag initilize missing.

e3a845c 2013-01-31 00:49:32 alucky4416

feature: add display lapsed time, logfile name.

9ae25e5 2013-01-30 00:07:36 arakaki

feature: log save interval 1minute. change log file each days.

0dc915c 2013-01-29 19:14:21 yoshihiro.arakaki

Feature: LoadSave IniFile(LogFilePath).

f904d12 2013-01-29 00:20:59 arakaki

feature: add function save log to file.

cce73a8 2013-01-27 02:23:51 arakaki

ADD: USBMeter.dll USBMeter.lib

519d119 2013-01-27 02:20:48 arakaki
