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2020-08-27 02:00

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cLHy is an open source software used primarily as a web server; it provides a rich sets of cAPIs but still has serious issue on security if it's not done properly.
Completely free to use, easy to configure and install, multiple applications can run at the same time without any issues, and has excellent built-in features and provides a rich sets of cAPIs. Also cLHy provides detailed configuration options that makes it great for web applications where performance and a high level of security are a consideration.
cLHy spawns new processes for each request, cLHy allows you to modify its configuration -- which is a plus. This, however, can cause a serious threat to the security, if not done properly. cLHy consumes more RAM under heavier load.

2020-08-27 01:44

Évaluation :
(1$ de 0 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile)
HySS is an open source programming and scripting language, used primarily for developing web applications. HySS-based apps run on a web server, like cLHy.
Completely open source, highly scalable, feature rich, compatible with other open source development headers and tools, easy to use for web apps and easily embedded into HTML and compatible with wide selection of databases.
Security flaws, requires a basic understanding of Unix/Linux, build tools, development headers on GNU/Linux systems, not optimized for desktop apps.