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0f115e6 2016-06-29 00:52:09 sparky4

gvar.video.page[1].pattern_ofs removed because it is just (0x10000UL - (uint16_t)gvar.video.page[1].data) the image now bounce like the leamer

f32706b 2016-06-29 00:33:11 sparky4

gvar.video.page[1].pattern_ofs removed because it is just (0x10000UL - (uint16_t)gvar.video.page[1].data)

7a3b6f3 2016-06-28 23:46:42 sparky4

gvar.video.page[1].pattern_ofs removed because it is just (0x10000UL - (uint16_t)gvar.video.page[1].data)

51b40bf 2016-06-28 23:34:02 sparky4

gvar.video.page[1].pattern_ofs added wwwwwwwww

e71dfbd 2016-06-28 01:54:52 sparky4

exmmtest.exe is broke.... 0.c is hard wwww

aee2405 2016-06-28 01:50:53 sparky4

exmmtest.exe is broke....

b374775 2016-06-28 00:57:04 sparky4

0.c what? ww

e53684d 2016-06-28 00:50:33 sparky4

0.c what? ww

2e9ba06 2016-06-28 00:48:28 sparky4

0.c what? ww

180b096 2016-06-25 05:16:17 sparky4

0.c is under study wwww

f2963bc 2016-06-25 03:53:06 sparky4

0.c is under study wwww

720520b 2016-06-25 03:36:12 sparky4

0.c is under study wwww

54e87ff 2016-06-25 03:09:21 sparky4

0.c is under study wwww

c9b917e 2016-06-25 03:06:09 sparky4

0.c is under study wwww

6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4

0.c is under study wwww

5f8120e 2016-06-25 02:42:40 sparky4

0.c is under study wwww

f316394 2016-06-25 02:27:11 sparky4

0.c is under study wwww

16a8a16 2016-06-24 23:56:50 sparky4

added keendreams for reference ww and omitted vrs from make all wwww

dac316a 2016-06-24 23:54:42 sparky4

added keendreams for reference ww and omitted vrs from make all wwww

32e0aea 2016-06-24 23:48:37 sparky4

added keendreams for reference ww and omitted vrs from make all wwww

6bb1cc3 2016-06-24 23:46:55 sparky4

added keendreams for reference ww

c5bfa3c 2016-06-24 23:45:00 sparky4

added keendreams for reference ww

bfd75c3 2016-06-24 02:59:00 sparky4

tesuto0 made for understanding doslib fast rendering~

dc284c7 2016-06-24 02:36:02 sparky4

tesuto0 made for understanding doslib fast rendering~

441459a 2016-06-24 02:29:58 sparky4

tesuto0 made for understanding doslib fast rendering~

1b81953 2016-06-23 04:43:22 sparky4

====---- before major page experiment

1ab26f8 2016-06-23 03:30:41 sparky4

====---- before major page experiment

0d2a17b 2016-06-23 02:51:33 sparky4

meh i should organize gvar and mv soon and use the memory manager and i cleaned the code up a bit and f9 now shows the buffer pages

f43fd4f 2016-06-23 02:29:13 sparky4

meh i should organize gvar and mv soon and use the memory manager and i cleaned the code up a bit and f9 now shows the buffer pages

fb897d1 2016-06-23 02:03:41 sparky4

meh i should organize gvar and mv soon and use the memory manager and i cleaned the code up a bit and f9 now shows the buffer pages