[Freeciv-tickets] [freeciv] #44307: Meta: Update supplied scenarios to 3.1 format

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Sat Apr 23 22:23:59 JST 2022

#44307: Meta: Update supplied scenarios to 3.1 format

  Open Date: 2022-04-09 13:38
Last Update: 2022-04-23 16:23

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Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket:
2022-04-23 16:23 Updated by: cazfi


Reply To alain_bkr
# S3_1
#  ./configure --enable-gitrev --enable-debug=yes --enable-gprof --enable-client=gtk3.22,qt --with-qt5 --enable-ai-modules=yes --with-default-ai=classic,tex
--enable-ai-modules adds support for dynamic ai modules, which you likely don't need now (I take a note that './configure --help' is not clear enough of that option)
If you really want to get it working, config.log would be the file to inspect (or a wild guess is that you would need explicit --enable-shared to support module building)
To have tex built in statically (not as a dynamic module), use --enable-ai-static=classic,tex
I recommend using --with-qtver=qt5 instead of deprecated --with-qt5

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: cazfi
         Owner: (None)
          Type: Patches
        Status: Open
      Priority: 5 - Medium
     MileStone: 3.1.0
     Component: Rulesets
      Severity: 5 - Medium
    Resolution: None

Ticket details:

It's about time to update supplied scenarios to 3.1 savefile format. We want to do that early, so that the format gets tested before freeze.
The procedure:
Use server build with the AI modules suitable for the scenario, i.e., "classic" + "text" for europe_1900_WW1 and just "classic" for all the others.
Start server
Switch to classic ruleset (we don't want to include civ2civ3-specific stuff to scenario files)
Load the scenario
Save it in 3.1 format with "scensave" -command
diff the old file and new one to see that the changes are what one would expect
british-isles.sav: #44308
earth-large.sav: #44356
earth-small.sav: #44357
europe_1900_WW1.sav: #44358
europe.sav: #44359
france.sav: #44360
hagworld.sav: #44361
iberian-peninsula.sav: #44362
italy.sav: #44363
japan.sav: #44364
north_america.sav: #44365
tileset-demo.sav: #44366
tutorial.sav: #44367

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