[Freeciv-tickets] [freeciv] #47870: AI expansion with many enemies

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Sat Jun 17 18:29:05 JST 2023

#47870: AI expansion with many enemies

  Open Date: 2023-04-16 12:56
Last Update: 2023-06-17 12:29

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Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket:
2023-06-17 12:29 Updated by: cazfi
 * Milestone Update from (None) to 3.0.9

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: bard
         Owner: (None)
          Type: Patches
        Status: Open
      Priority: 5 - Medium
     MileStone: 3.0.9
     Component: AI
      Severity: 5 - Medium
    Resolution: None

Ticket details:

The expansion of the AI in the initial stage of the game seems to be well optimized for classic and default civ2civ3 rules. I do not consider this ticket a bug.
But I have find situations where the AI struggles to expand when surrounded by many enemy players, especially with a custom ruleset that uses the Animal Kingdom.
I'll upload 3 savegames to try to show the problem, played with freeciv 3.0.7 + patch #42169 + patch #47776 (but I can recreate the problem without those patches):
1) Played with default civ2civ3 rules in a densely populated map with 40 players.
In turn 30, the active aztec AI player has build 7 phalanx and 1 diplomat, the city has grown to size 5, and it has not build any settler yet.
It is a corner case, it doesn't use to happen with default rules, and it is not that bad in this situation, after all there is few room to expand and many enemy units. But even in this case, the AI does not really need 7 phalanx to protect 1 single city, when it is actually at peace (cease fire) with every nation, and everyone is still expanding.
2) Played with my custom ruleset, the same modpack from #47776, named "civ2civ3-306-freights-Modpack.zip"
It is turn 45, and the active danish AI player (cheating level) has built 8 units (warriors, phalanx and horsemen), the city has grown to size 6, and it has not build any settler yet (2 pop required in this ruleset). In this case, there is free room next to the initial city, there are no barbarian units near, and the player is not at war with anyone else, but the AI keeps building more military units instead of settlers.
With my ruleset, this problem of the AI to expand happens all the time. The gameplay in the beginning of the game is pretty similar to civ2civ3, the main difference is the presence of enemy animals (barbarian Animal Kingdom). But even when I remove the animals from the ruleset, the AI struggles to expand when there are many players close to each other, and I can no longer enjoy the earth map with 40 nations that I have been playing since freeciv 2.2, and the AI used to expand properly until now. 
I open this ticket mainly to learn how to edit my ruleset to avoid this issue, that makes it hard for me to enjoy any game against the AI. But I think it is an issue that could be happening to other people working on custom rulesets and scenarios too.

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