[macemacsjp-english 258] how to set up command-line installs

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John Owens john_owens****@yahoo*****
Sat Oct 8 14:39:06 JST 2005

Just started using Carbon Emacs after a couple of years on the CVS build of
emacs. The fonts look great, and it's been really solid.

Question: I use the CVS version of wanderlust, which is distributed with Carbon
Emacs. So I need to install on top of it, which I've traditionally done from
the command line, with a Makefile.

However, "which emacs" by default selects /usr/bin/emacs, which ships with OS X
and is definitely not what I want (so it installs wanderlust in a different
place). What's the usual solution to this? It seems logical to me that I'd like
to put wanderlust on top of the distribution that comes with Carbon Emacs (in
/Application/Emacs). Possibly soft-linking the emacs binary to /usr/local/bin?
What's the approved way to do this?

Thanks -


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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