[macemacsjp-english 578] Re: Input-methods

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
Fri May 5 00:17:20 JST 2006


On 2006/05/04, at 4:26, Marcus Geiger wrote:
> I'm trying to use a different input-method on carbon emacs March 2006
> (v2). I'm using OS X "Darwin lisa 8.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.6.0:
> Tue Mar  7 16:58:48 PST 2006; root:xnu-792.6.70.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
> Power Macintosh powerpc" using a german keyboard layout.
> When I switch the input-method with M-x set-input-method the mode
> line changes to "-DE>1:--", but when I press any key it changes back
> to "-1:--".

The Carbon Emacs Package uses the OS-native input method, which you  
use in other OSX applications such as TextEdit.app or Mail.app. It  
may be in sync with the OS-native input method. Any more hints?

> I also tried the sample from the emacs info manual with
> traditional chinese but even there it is reset to the mode line
> "-1:--", but I'm not sure if this part of the manual still applies to
> that carbon emacs version I'm used to use.

Since the inline input-method is not yet feedbacked to the emacs main  
code, it's not documented in the manual.

> I'm using carbon emacs now for some time but I never figured out how
> to solve that issue. FYI I tried the same on Aquaemacs and also using
> an X11 emacs on my mac where it works. To be sure, I also commented
> out my whole dot-emacs to ensure that no other module circumvents my
> attempts.

On Aquamacs, you have no problem? I hear the latest Aquamacs also  
uses our inline-patch.

-- Seiji

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