[macemacsjp-english 654] Transparency patch (again)

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
Mon Sep 18 00:23:09 JST 2006

Dear list,

The transparency patch will not be integrated into the emacs main  
code in the present form, because the patch enhances proprietary  
platforms only: Mac OSX and Windows, and thus it does not fit the  
philosophy of the GNU project. However, six months ago, a developer  
sent me an "X-ready" version of the transparency patch and he also  
showed me that the transparent emacs was working on his environment.  
The patch is available at http://macemacsjp.sourceforge.jp/package/ 
test/transparency2.patch .

When we finish the code, we can propose it again to the emacs main  
developers because it will benefit free platforms, too. However, at  
present nobody has succeeded to build a transparent emacs on X,  
except for the original author. We believe that it requires too up-to- 
date environment -- reportedly it requires X11R6.8 or newer with some  

In order to collect more clues, does anyone try or examine the above  
patch? Does anyone has a very recent X window environment that  
supports transparency feature? Any reports are welcome regarding the  
patch. Of course, improved code is highly welcome.


Seiji Zenitani

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