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Commits Récents RSS

Révision l'heure Auteur Message:
ae95628 2019-01-08 17:16:56 Chih-Wei Huang oreo-x86 android-x86-8.1-r1 Android 8.1.0 Release 60 (OPM8.190105.002) -----BEGIN P...
b79c6a5 2018-12-21 18:19:56 Chih-Wei Huang Android 8.1.0 release 53 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- ...
c4d5048 2018-11-27 02:21:00 android-build-team Robot Merge cherrypicks of [5610460, 5610582, 5610249, 5610250,...
457d2c4 2018-11-27 02:19:57 Chienyuan DO NOT MERGE HFP: Check AT command buffer boundary during...
88c4128 2018-11-27 02:19:53 Myles Watson DO NOT MERGE: HH: Check parameter length in bta_hh_ctrl_d...
70b6fc4 2018-11-27 02:19:49 Myles Watson DO NOT MERGE: SDP: Check p_end in save_attr_seq and add_a...
1545389 2018-11-27 02:19:47 Myles Watson DO NOT MERGE: MCAP: Check response length in mca_ccb_hdl_...
369d68f 2018-11-27 02:19:44 Ugo Yu DO NOT MERGE: Fix possible OOB when AVDT data channel rec...
1c90cce 2018-10-20 01:33:43 android-build-team Robot Merge cherrypicks of [5313290, 5313323, 5313343, 5313415,...
d3c7b86 2018-10-20 01:33:11 Jakub Pawlowski Fix possible OOB read Bug: 74249842 Change-Id: I0dbe43f0...

Tags récemment modifiées

Nom Révision l'heure Auteur
android-x86-8.1-r1 ae95628 2019-01-08 17:16:56 Chih-Wei Huang
android-x86-7.1-r1 f020a64 2018-02-04 16:51:04 xiezhongtian
android-x86-7.1-r2 f020a64 2018-02-04 16:51:04 xiezhongtian


Nom Révision l'heure Auteur Message:
oreo-x86 ae95628 2019-01-08 17:16:56 Chih-Wei Huang Android 8.1.0 Release 60 (...
cm-14.1-x86 200dfcc 2018-05-02 23:45:38 Chih-Wei Huang Merge remote-tracking branc...
nougat-x86 f020a64 2018-02-04 16:51:04 xiezhongtian Avoid crash for Broadcom 20...
cm-14.0-x86 36ab0e7 2016-11-15 10:16:30 Jaap Jan Meijer [REVERT ME] Ignore time out...

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