Révision | l'heure | Auteur | Message: RSS |
7548573f | 2014-12-14 22:31:42 | tohosaku | ver.0.0.2 set app logging |
8596c111 | 2014-12-14 12:37:16 | tohosaku | Add GET response |
d96d8bf4 | 2014-12-14 11:23:47 | tohosaku | Add CGI file |
12ec7440 | 2014-12-14 10:54:30 | tohosaku | Implement shell script execution |
71b81030 | 2014-12-14 08:37:52 | tohosaku | Add some spec |
cc14d244 | 2014-12-13 11:02:33 | tohosaku | Impremmented config file |
7a7c0b73 | 2014-12-12 05:27:10 | tohosaku | add README |
fb13ea2b | 2014-12-10 10:20:49 | tohosaku | use json to receive sf.jp web hook |
0f617741 | 2014-12-10 09:41:54 | tohosaku | initial commit |
a web application to sf.jp git repositories to github
$ git clone --bare --mirror git://hoge.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/hoge/ hoge.git $ cd hoge.git $ git remote add github git@github.com:fuga/hoge.git $ git config remote.github.mirror true
set web hook in sf.jp repository
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