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STGBuilder GAME.DAT Dumper

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Révisionl'heureAuteurMessage: RSS
92b1ade12021-05-05 18:11:35Remilia ScarletAdd --quiet option, and convert yen signs to slashes to a...
dcaa02902021-05-05 17:19:25Remilia ScarletInitial import

# sbdumper

TODO: Write a description here

How do I get set up?

TODO: Write installation instructions here


TODO: Write usage instructions here


TODO: Write development instructions here

Style info

I use a slightly different style for my code.

  • Keep lines 118 characters or shorter. Obviously sometimes you can't, but please try. Use 115 characters for Markdown files, though.
  • Please use pascalCase for variable and method names. Use CamelCase for type names. Use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for constants.
  • The type name for exceptions end with Error. For example, ExternalProgramError.

How do I contribute?

I do not use Git - if you're reading this on Gitlab, you're looking at a mirror. Let the Crystal folks know you'd like them to support other VCSs.

  1. Go to https://nanako.mooo.com/sbdumper and clone the Fossil repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature.
  3. Push locally to the new branch


  • Remilia Scarlet - creator and maintainer

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