[macemacsjp-english 657] Re: Transparency patch (again)

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Peter Dyballa Peter_Dybal****@Web*****
Wed Sep 20 05:09:07 JST 2006

Am 17.09.2006 um 17:23 schrieb Seiji Zenitani:

> The transparency patch will not be integrated into the emacs main  
> code in the present form, because the patch enhances proprietary  
> platforms only: Mac OSX and Windows, and thus it does not fit the  
> philosophy of the GNU project. However, six months ago, a developer  
> sent me an "X-ready" version of the transparency patch and he also  
> showed me that the transparent emacs was working on his  
> environment. The patch is available at http:// 
> macemacsjp.sourceforge.jp/package/test/transparency2.patch .


I integrated the patch into the GNU Emacs 22.0.50 sources. Now my  
Carbon Emacs shows transparency. The X client regularly fails at  
launch with:

	Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x1a7)!

Nothing else happens, no core, no crash log. I think what's missing  
is some code that determines whether the X server can handle  
transparency. If not, no such calls are emitted, so that default- 
frame-alist and initial-frame-alist need not be changed to just just  
accept the transparency settings.

In case of Unicode Emacs 23.0.0 three patches could not be applied,  
because there was code for the font-backend extension in place. By  
hand they could be added. The X client has a slightly different problem:

	Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x19a)!

Again nothing else happens.

Creating Carbon Emacs 23.0.0 did not succeed yet for me: macterm.c  
does not compile with CFLAGS like -DUSE_MAC_FONT_PANEL or - 
DUSE_ATSUI, which is really hard to understand!

I have no idea how to trace the reason for the Xlib errors. Could be  
I try to install Xorg 6.8 some day with Fink – the problem is that  
this install can again change some things in Fink that cannot be  
undone so easily ...



Globalisation -- communism from above.

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