
最近の更新 (Recent Changes)



サイドバー (Side Bar)

Install instructions

Download and unzip the ZIP file. Create a folder and copy Tween.exe. You are not using the registry.

(Need to install .NET Framework 2.0 or later. --> Hardware/Software Requirements)

  • English resources and drivers are included in the "en" folder. If you'd like to use English menu and etc. on English version of Windows, copy this "en" folder to where the Tween.exe is. Automatic version upgrade takes care of these resources, so if you don't need it, please delete this "en" folder by hand.
  • note
    • If you locate the Tween.exe in the administrator path (such as C:\Program Files\...), automatic version upgrade or config file export doesn't work right sometimes. It depends on the environment.
    • You need to create an exclusive folder to keep the Tween.exe. Configuration files are created in the same folder, and also version upgrade tools are downloaded to the folder.
    • Don't open or delete the automatically-generated configuration files.
    • You need to have the authorization to add, update, and delete files in the folder.
    • If you need "start menu" or "shortcut", please help yourself.


  • You need to copy Tween.exe and configuration files (Xml files in the folder) to flash memory and other media. (Hardware requirement: Windows2000 SP3 or later and .NET Framework 2.0)
  • Generally, Tween works well with file synchronization service like Dropbox.