!!! THIS PROJECT HAS MOVED TO GITHUB !!! https://github.com/magicant/yash
Yet another shell (yash) is a POSIX-compliant command line shell, featuring more strict POSIX compliance than those of other shells, as well as powerful command line editing.
Yash 2.5
= Redirection of FDs used by the shell is now error.
* Some redirection syntax errors were overlooked.
* Fixed the "sig.y" test failure.
* When an "exec" command with redirections is enclosed in a brace with redirections, the redirections to the brace are now properly closed after execution.
* Fixed parsing error of a comment after the identifier of a for statement.
Yash 2.5
= シェルが使用している FD のリダイレクトはエラーにするように
* いくつかのリダイレクト構文エラーを見逃していた
* "sig.y" テストが間違っていた
* リダイレクト付きの "exec" コマンドがリダイレクト付きの { } 括弧の中にある場合、括弧に対するリダイレクトが残ったままになっていた
* for 文の識別子の直後のコメントの解析エラーを修正