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Description du projet

!!! THIS PROJECT HAS MOVED TO GITHUB !!! https://github.com/magicant/yash

Yet another shell (yash) is a POSIX-compliant command line shell, featuring more strict POSIX compliance than those of other shells, as well as powerful command line editing.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2009-01-16 23:46
yash 2.5 (1 files Cacher)

Notes de release

This is "yet another shell" version 2.5.

This version includes some bug fixes but no major changes.

Yet another shell バージョン 2.5 です。



Yash 2.5

= Redirection of FDs used by the shell is now error.
* Some redirection syntax errors were overlooked.
* Fixed the "sig.y" test failure.
* When an "exec" command with redirections is enclosed in a brace with redirections, the redirections to the brace are now properly closed after execution.
* Fixed parsing error of a comment after the identifier of a for statement.

Yash 2.5

= シェルが使用している FD のリダイレクトはエラーにするように
* いくつかのリダイレクト構文エラーを見逃していた
* "sig.y" テストが間違っていた
* リダイレクト付きの "exec" コマンドがリダイレクト付きの { } 括弧の中にある場合、括弧に対するリダイレクトが残ったままになっていた
* for 文の識別子の直後のコメントの解析エラーを修正