Liste des projets simples Logiciel Télécharger Carte

1422 projects in result set
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2004-03-17 22:52

Net News Headline

This application download news from web sites.
And It display like an electric bulletin board.
You will keep position in the corner of display.
It's beta version now.

Statut de développement: 4 - Beta
Utilisateurs cibles: End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: English, Japanese
Système d'exploitation: POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..), Windows
Langage de programmation: C++
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2004-02-19 00:16
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2003-03-06 20:59


システムモニタ GKrellM のPluginを作るプロジェクト。

Utilisateurs cibles: End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: Japanese
Système d'exploitation: Linux
Langage de programmation: C
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications
Register Date: 2002-04-06 11:45



Statut de développement: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Utilisateurs cibles: End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: Japanese
Système d'exploitation: Linux
Langage de programmation: C
Sujet: Visualization
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications
Register Date: 2006-05-13 13:14
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2004-06-27 00:46


Xbabylon is a translation tool with simple mouse click. It is running on UNIX systems. Information is also located on "".

Statut de développement: 3 - Alpha
Utilisateurs cibles: Développeurs, End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: Japanese
Système d'exploitation: Linux
Langage de programmation: C
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications
Register Date: 2004-04-16 16:34
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2003-02-16 23:13


GameboyVM is a cross-platform GameboyAdvance emulator. It offers the better environment for software development.

Statut de développement: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Langage naturel: Japanese
Système d'exploitation: Linux, Windows, Other Operating Systems
Langage de programmation: Assembly, C, C++
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2002-11-30 01:02

Quack Adventure System


Statut de développement: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Utilisateurs cibles: End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: English, Japanese
Système d'exploitation: MacOS, Windows, Other Operating Systems
Langage de programmation: C
Register Date: 2004-02-05 14:07

Joborun Linux

Arch-Linux inspired, not based, not a fork in the true sense but really a fork. Generally source based and conceived, but without a finite commitment. The source and git/archiving technique will always accommodate the quick and effortless way to build from source.

All core base system packages rebuilt without systemd, udev, logind, and resistance to using zstd, but having the ability to use it selectively or by the package manager to decompress zstd compressed packages. Also optionally turn off all ipv6 functionality, since it only serves the "internet's" problems and not our own, yet!

For everything that Obarun provides, packages with direct systemd running dependencies, its init and service supervision software, joborun acts as complimentary. In rare cases where we disagree with the way Obarun has built a package we will rebuild our own. Pacman and its configuration keeps the system in order, drawing the most essential base system from joborun, the rest from obarun, and whatever else may be needed either from arch or by selecting to build from source in a quick automated way.

In addition, we have repackaged Obarun's 66 to cohabitate with runit, we will provide an initial setup for both and only runit on the base iso. We will support no particular DE or DM, we consider them useless and only of aesthetic value to users in need of an ms-windows/apple kind of graphic computing environment. We are oriented to unix like sysadmins, not those who seek ms-win alternatives for free (as in beer) but those who seek freedom from mega-corporation control and influences.

The resulting system can easily be converted to "just Obarun" at any point, or anything else without a need for re-installation. Obarun already provides a tool to make sure your installation is purely obarun, which means it will replace all joborun packages with Arch.

The name: JWM OpenBox Obrarun RUNit therefore has the above meaning. The logo reveals an A for Arch fading and an O for Obarun becoming more complete.

For more information see our website at

Statut de développement: 2 - Pre-Alpha, 3 - Alpha, 4 - Beta
Licence: ISC License
Langage naturel: English
Système d'exploitation: Linux, Other, Other Operating Systems
Sujet: Linux, Live CD
Register Date: 2022-02-02 23:52
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2009-04-20 02:24


昔なつかしの XPilot にクエスト要素を付加したゲームの開発

Statut de développement: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Utilisateurs cibles: End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: English, Japanese
Système d'exploitation: MacOS, Linux, Windows
Langage de programmation: C++, Lua
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2007-03-25 21:16
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2007-03-26 20:05


Eclipse RCPにて動作するネットワーク監視及びネットワーク運用管理 Javaアプリケーションプログラムを開発します。SNMPブラウザ機能も有し、SNMP V3の対応も行います。

Statut de développement: 4 - Beta
Utilisateurs cibles: Développeurs, System Administrators
Langage naturel: Japanese
Système d'exploitation: Linux, Windows
Langage de programmation: Java
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2006-05-27 19:26


TrueType / OpenTypeフォントをサブセット化するツールです。テキストの文字をランダムに置換し、再編集不可能なフォントとテキストの組を作成することもできます。

Statut de développement: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Utilisateurs cibles: Développeurs
Langage naturel: English, Japanese
Système d'exploitation: POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..), Windows
Langage de programmation: C++, Python
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2004-09-22 18:34
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2006-01-24 18:34



Statut de développement: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Utilisateurs cibles: End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: Japanese
Sujet: Impression
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2005-12-23 00:34
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2010-11-23 12:19

Samurai Graph

Samurai Graph is a highly functional and user-friendly graph plotter.

Statut de développement: 5 - Production / écurie
Utilisateurs cibles: End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: English, Japanese
Système d'exploitation: MacOS, Windows, OS Independent
Langage de programmation: Java
Register Date: 2004-05-20 17:02
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2007-07-12 23:07


Chapletは、オンラインTRPGを支援するC/S型のチャットソフトです。基本機能であるチャットとダイス機能に加え、トランプなど各種ルールに特化した機能をプラグインとして提供します。Javaで開発していますので、Windows、Linux、MacOS Xなど各種OS上で利用できます。

Statut de développement: 4 - Beta
Utilisateurs cibles: Développeurs, End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: Japanese
Système d'exploitation: OS Independent
Langage de programmation: Java
Sujet: Chat, Role-Playing
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2004-09-07 22:33
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2022-11-16 13:22

Fine Kernel ToolKit

マルチプラットフォームに対応した、 リアルタイム3DCGのためのツールキットです。 詳細は をご覧下さい。

Register Date: 2008-12-10 02:04


DoubleType は TrueType フォントファイルを構築することができる、オープンソースでグラフィカルな書体デザイナです。

Statut de développement: 3 - Alpha
Utilisateurs cibles: End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: English, Japanese
Langage de programmation: Java
Interface utilisateur: X11 Applications, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2004-02-19 12:12