mod_backhand is a load balancing module for Apache. It provides per-request HTTP redirection within a heterogeneous Apache server cluster. Each request is processed and run through a set of "candidacy functions" to determine which server is best suited to respond. The request is then proxied to that server. Facilities are in place to allow you to write your own dynamically loadable decision making algorithms. Everything about the request and the current availability of resources can be used in the decision-making process.
Projets liésSmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Hinemos, Darik's Boot and Nuke, WordPress Plugins/JSeries |
mod_vhs is an Apache 2.2+ Web server module allowing mass virtual hosting without the need for file-based configuration. The virtual host paths are translated from any database supported by mod_ldap or mod_dbd at request time from MySQL, LDAP, PAM, or a system password file. PHP security can be basically auto-configured from the database using this module. Requests are cached by mod_ldap when configured.
Projets liésRealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal, DeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Picalo Data Analysis Software is an open source
application that helps data analysts, fraud
investigators, and auditors search through data
sets for anomalies, trends, and other information.
Projets liésTERASOLUNA Framework, Seasar, MeCab, SmillaEnlarger, gpx2shp |
Apsfilter is a magic printfilter, allowing you to print different document types "automagically" without having to convert them manually into something which is understood by your printer. Apsfilter is a mature and powerful printing solution for any flavor of Unix running lpd or LPRng. It supports the latest GhostScript version and 3rd-party printer drivers (such as hpijs, ijs, hpdj, pcl3, and gimp-print). It autodetects lots of file, archive, and compression types. It supports printing on local as well as on Appletalk, Unix, and Windows remote printers. General and "per printer-queue" based config files allow you to configure the printer for your needs. The lpr command line options allow you to change printing parameters like print quality, orientation, duplex mode, etc. "on the fly" without having to edit any config file. A SETUP script helps you to test various supported ghostscript drivers prior installation, makes the necessary entries in /etc/printcap, creates spool directories, and creates apsfilter default config files as needed. A handbook in HTML is available. Several tools are also included: "aps2file" allows you to print to a file via apsfilter, "apspreview" previews files as generated by apsfilter using gv and friends, and "apsfilter-bug" assists you in doing bug and problem reports.
Projets liésDarik's Boot and Nuke, opfc, Ume-fonts, DeSmuME, KreetingKard |
The Vector Signal Image Processing Library is an
application programming interface (API) defined by an
open standard. This package is a reference
implementation of this specification.
Projets liésDarik's Boot and Nuke, SharpDevelop-jp, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, TERASOLUNA Framework |
pwcheck_pg is a simple daemon that will allow Cyrus-imapd to authenticate users against a PostgreSQL database using either clear text, sha1, md5, or rmd160 digested passwords. The package includes both a C and a Python implementation.
Projets liésOpenTween, SmillaEnlarger, LetterFix for Mac OS X, RealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
3D Pong is is a very small and fast ping-pong or handball game for one or two
players. It uses simple 3D vector graphics in Xlib. Multiple views are
possible, and red/blue separation is available for users with 3D movie glasses.
Projets liésDeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, MAME Spirits, Darik's Boot and Nuke, MAME32jp |
grabc determines the color string in hex of a pixel clicked on the
Projets liésTERASOLUNA Framework, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Open Source QR Code Library, DeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger |
Pantomime provides a set of Objective-C classes that model a mail system. It is fully
written in Objective-C (some very small parts in C where performance is critical), and is
part of
Projets liésDumpper v.60.3, OpenTween, MPC-BE, PukiWiki, Nucleus日本語版 |
nhc98 is a small and highly portable compiler for the Haskell 98 language. It has been extended with the standard FFI and hierarchical module namespaces, features extensive heap profiling capabilities, and generally produces small code which runs using small amounts of heap.
Projets liésMinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, TERASOLUNA Framework, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Amateras |
HTTPD::Bench::ApacheBench is the foundation
of a complete benchmarking and regression
testing suite for an advanced, transaction-
based mod_perl site. It is useful for stress
testing a Web server to its limit while verifying
the HTTP responses for correctness.
Projets liésTERASOLUNA Framework, SharpDevelop-jp, CrystalDiskMark, TuxGuitar, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
Danselfduty allows users to authorize Web browsing
by themselves. It first shows a disclaimer GUI,
and when the user presses the "accept" button, it
saves the domain name into a configuration file
and redirects the user's browser to the initially
requested URL.
Projets liésbbs2chreader, Shiira, SmillaEnlarger, Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME |
Cyclone is a low-level network toolkit that provides support for HTTP 1.1 in an API very similar to the one implemented by the Tornado Web server. It has localization based on gettext with pluralization support,
native support for XMLRPC and JSONRPC, native support for WebSockets (drafts 75 and 76), decent support for sending plain text or HTML email with TLS and attachments, built-in support for Redis, and
support for HTTP authentication.
Projets liésmod_chxj, Dumpper v.60.3, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Sledge, MeCab |
Webmin Themeconfigurator is a Webmin module that allows you to create and edit Webmin themes.
Projets liésDarik's Boot and Nuke, Ophcrack, NetJFWatcher, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Remote SNMP Powerswitch Control is a script that
uses SNMP to control an APC PowerSwitch power
controller. It allows you to cycle any port via
the command line. This is useful for automatically
rebooting machines that stop responding to pings,
for example.
Projets liésWireshark, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, Win32 Disk Imager |