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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2010-07-05 14:48

The Nx Programming Language

The Nx programming language is a strictly typed but type-inferred array programming language for numerical applications.

(Traduction automatique)
Utilisateurs cibles: Engineering
Langage de programmation: Langage de programmation, C++
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2011-01-29 18:26


Paparazzi is powerful and versatile autopilot system for fixed-wing aircraft and multicopters. It comprises both hardware and software. The project includes not only the airborne hardware and software, from voltage regulators and GPS receivers to Kalman filtering code, but also a powerful and ever-expanding array of ground hardware and software including modems, antennas, and a highly evolved user-friendly ground control software interface.

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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2013-03-29 17:54


3Depict helps you visualize and analyze 3D point clouds with an associated real value
in a fast and flexible fashion.

The primary use is in Atom Probe Tomography, an atomic imaging technique,
but the program may also be useful in other areas,
such as geospatial data,

(Traduction automatique)
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2012-06-28 01:43


GHydraulics is a QGIS plugin which integrates EPANET for hydraulic analysis of water supply networks.

(Traduction automatique)
Utilisateurs cibles: Engineering
Langage naturel: English
Système d'exploitation: MacOSX, Linux, Windows
Langage de programmation: Python, Python
Sujet:, GIS, GIS
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2012-06-08 01:22


EPANETL is a localized (translated) version of EPANET, a popular hydraulic analysis program which can be used to simulate water supply networks.

(Traduction automatique)
Utilisateurs cibles: Engineering
Langage naturel: English, German
Système d'exploitation: MacOSX, Linux, Windows
Langage de programmation: C
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2010-05-20 06:12


AGENCY is software that allows non-profit organizations to track data and manage operations. It is a fork and continuation of CHASERS. AGENCY aims to become a collectively-maintained and developed project that puts organizations in charge of their data systems. There are currently two “flavors” of AGENCY: one for managing clients and services, case management, and such (think “social service”); and one for managing donations and volunteers (think “fundraising”). Features include a report generator, permissions and access control, the ability to merge reports to OpenOffice documents, a log system, and real-time alerts with email notification. In the client version, many tables and data structures are already set up for organizations doing human service, homeless services, or HMIS. The donor version is set up to track donors, addresses, gifts (cash and inkind), flags, volunteers, volunteer activities, and more.

(Traduction automatique)
Utilisateurs cibles: Non-Profit Organizations
Système d'exploitation: Linux
Langage de programmation: JavaScript, PHP, PL/SQL
Interface utilisateur: Web Environment
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2012-01-27 20:57

Cuadro+ Thermal Simulator and Benchmarker

Cuadro+ Thermal Simulator and Benchmarker simulates the thermal history of a chip being cooled by a heatsink and forced convection.

(Traduction automatique)
Utilisateurs cibles: Engineering
Langage de programmation: C
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2011-06-07 12:16

qcadoo MES

qcadoo MES is a manufacturing management system for small and medium companies. It combines many functions you can find in ERP, MRP, and MES systems. It is not intended to replace systems like SAP, MS Dynamics, or Wonderware. qcadoo MES lets you replace those paper notes and spreadsheets that are flying around the production line and gain benefit from having them all in one system.

(Traduction automatique)
Utilisateurs cibles: Manufacturing
Langage naturel: English, Polish
Système d'exploitation: MacOS, POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..), Linux, Windows
Langage de programmation: Java
Sujet:, ERP
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2011-09-23 22:25


District Builder is a software application designed to give the public transparent, accessible, and easy-to-use mapping tools to draw the boundaries of their communities or to generate redistricting plans for their state and localities. The drawing of electoral districts is among the least transparent processes in democratic governance. All too often, redistricting authorities maintain power by obstructing public participation. The resulting districts embody the goals of politicians to the detriment of the representational interests of communities and the public at large. With District Builder, the public has the capacity to create and submit district plans for municipal, county, and state governments, support redistricting competitions, and keep the entire process open. In addition to legislative redistricting, District Builder's flexibility accommodates school districts, police districts, and many other redistricting needs.

(Traduction automatique)
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2013-11-16 11:24


OpenXyce is a parallel circuit simulator that was forked from the Xyce circuit simulation software from Sandia National Laboratories. It features parallel circuit simulation using MPI, SPICE compatible Netlists, and standard simulation algorithms, including harmonic balance.

(Traduction automatique)
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2013-12-11 22:44


uReport provides issue tracking and constituent relations management for municipalities with an Open311 (GeoReport v2) endpoint.

(Traduction automatique)
Environnement de base de données: MySQL
Utilisateurs cibles: Government
Système d'exploitation: Linux
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2010-06-30 06:58

NetworX Non-Profits

NetworX Non-Profits is scalable software that allows non-profit organizations to create their own branded Web site for building an online community with the the organization's donors, volunteers, and foundations. This Web site includes features for collecting donations, sending messages to registered email addresses, managing membership and volunteers, managing programs and resources, displaying a calendar of upcoming events, collecting registrations for events, letting visitors search for events, and analyzing statistics about donations, programs, and visitors.

(Traduction automatique)
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2011-08-12 10:17


gpfcalc is a GTK+ front-end for pfcalc, a pipe friction calculator using the Darcy-Weisbach equation. It computes major, minor, and static losses for flow through pipes or ducts. Up to 1024 pipes or ducts can be defined by specifying hydraulic diameter, length, roughness, flow rate, temperature, and elevation change. Data can be saved in a comma separated values file (CSV) and imported in the spreadsheet program of your choice for further processing.

Utilisateurs cibles: Engineering
Système d'exploitation: Windows
Langage de programmation: C
Interface utilisateur: GTK+
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2013-01-28 21:56


LifeV is a finite element (FE) library providing implementations of state of the art mathematical and numerical methods. It serves both as a research and production library. It has already been used in medical and industrial contexts to simulate fluid structure interaction and mass transport. LifeV is the joint collaboration between four institutions: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CMCS) in Switzerland, Politecnico di Milano (MOX) in Italy, INRIA (REO, ESTIME) in France, and Emory University (Sc. Comp) in the U.S.A.

(Traduction automatique)
Utilisateurs cibles: Engineering
Langage naturel: English
Système d'exploitation: MacOS, AIX, Linux
Langage de programmation: C++
Interface utilisateur: Toolkits/Libraries
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2012-07-13 21:12


Miramath is an Open Source project inspired by the MathCad mathematical application. The main user interface consists of a page into which mathematical expressions can be entered or edited and then evaluated. It features a Wysiwyg equation editor, automatic evaluation of equations, integrated plotting, symbolic algebra using Sympy, and numerical computations using Scipy.

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