eHour is a Web-based time registration tool for
project-based businesses. The primary objective is
to keep time tracking as simple as needed while
still being very effective at measuring and
reporting the amount of time your team spends on a
project. eHour is available as a standalone version or a WAR file, which you can deploy in your existing environment. eHour is JVM (Java & Scala) based.
Projets liésSmillaEnlarger, phpGroupWare Japanese Project, 独自ビルドプロジェクト, Fess, TuxGuitar |
Scalaffinity is a library providing core functionality for any social networking Web site based on ratings and recommendations. In other words, it is a generic collective intelligence library. Examples of such sites are Anobii, Rate Your Music, and Filmaffinity. It is designed to act as an out-of-the-box model for such Web applications. Nevertheless, Scalaffinity is fully customizable, extensible, and scalable. It incorporates lessons learned while reading "Collective Intelligence in Action" by Satnam Alag.
Projets liésMPC-BE, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Usagi Project, OpenTween, りすにんぐついったー |
Rowscope is a file viewer for large text files. It can read files larger than 1 GB. It is very fast, taking only a few seconds to examine a 1GB file, and it never blocks.
Projets liésProgramming Language ADP, OneSQLiteAdmin, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, Win32 Disk Imager |
mysql-diff is a commandline database structure comparator. It compares the structure of two databases. It currently works with MySQL. A database can be specified as an SQL script or as an URL to a running database. So the tool can compare two scripts, two live databases, or a database and a script. The tool outputs SQL DDL script that can be used to convert one schema to another.
Projets liésCosmoDB, pg_bigm, Darik's Boot and Nuke, blanco Framework, SmillaEnlarger |
SBuild is a Scala-based build system. It features platform independence, multi project support, automatic detection of needed actions, automatic up-to-date detection, a flexible scheme handler mechanism, Maven repository support, Ant task integration, automatic cross-project resolving of dependencies, high speed, a simple "syntax" that requires almost no Scala knowledge, behind-the-sceens compilation of build script to bytecode for fast execution time, and built-in scheme handlers for HTTP and Maven.
House Of Mirrors (HoM) is a logic game inspired by
Chromatron (from Silver SpaceShip Software). The
game consists of a 2D grid in which several types
of objects are found, including detectors and
mirrors. The goal is simple: light up all the
detectors using emitted or reflected rays of
light. Usually, you can move and rotate the
mirrors but not the detectors. In each level, the
choice of available objects is limited. There can
be more than one solution for each level. Levels
can be created by users in hand-editable XML
format and shared with others.
Projets liésWin32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, MeCab, KancolleSniffer |
awk4jは Javaプラットフォーム用の AWKスクリプトの練習環境です。 awk4jは AWKスクリプトをホスト言語(Java、JavaFX、JavaScript、BeanShell、Groovy、Python、Scala)に変換、実行します。awk4jにより新たな多言語世界を体験してください。
Projets liésWin32 Disk Imager, MeCab, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, blanco Framework |
Infinispanは、オープンソースで、Javaベースで開発されたデータ・グリッド・プラットフォームです。*** 重要なお知らせ *** Infinispan 5.0.0.FINALからはInfinispanはSourceforgeからリリースされません。それらは、に置かれます。
Projets liéscloudi, WinCS, hadoop for windows, Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL), Win32 Disk Imager |
Register Date: 2013-05-16 09:53
Projets liésXtreme Download Manager, KDiff3, .sol Editor (Flash Shared Object), Saccubus, nkf Network Kanji Filter |
LaTeXDrawは、GNU GPLで配布されているLaTeX用のグラフィカルでオープンソースのPSTricksコードジェネレータ、もしくはPSTricksエディタです。LaTeXDrawはJavaで開発され、OSから独立しています。
Projets liésMergeDoc, MPC-BE, Dumpper v.60.3, MeCab, blanco Framework |
新規データベースとオブジェクトの新しい理論に基づく webtop。
Projets liésMPC-BE, Joomla!じゃぱん, WordPress Plugins/JSeries, MeCab, osCommerce 日本語版 |
現在主に信号伝搬遅延のリンクを変更することによって、特定のビット パターンを保存する特殊な人工ニューラル ネットワーク。多くの機能、変数およびアルゴリズムの時間が追加されます。
Projets liésMPC-BE, 中・長単位解析器 Comainu, shogi-server, 日本語Wikipediaオントロジー, RoboCup tools |
Higgs.IO is a high performance, message oriented network library built for realtime systems. It provides a core extensible framework and libraries built on top of the core. Libraries include a WebSocket server, an HTTP server and client, and Boson, a custom serialization and RMI library.
Projets liésiReport-Designer for JasperReports, Saccubus, coroid project, Sledge, DeSmuME |
Gaudi is a platform-agnostic build tool written (mostly) in Scala which runs on a Java virtual machine (JVM).
Erlang/スカラー IDE !NetBeans に基づいています。構文チェックを行う、構文強調表示、自動補完、かなりフォーマッタ、出現箇所のマーク、かっこの一致、インデント、コード折り畳み、ナビゲーターの関数宣言、プロジェクト管理、シェル コンソールに移動します。
Projets liésMeCab, Open Source QR Code Library, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, SharpDevelop-jp |