Liste des projets simples Logiciel Télécharger Carte

BSD 2-Clause License (aka FreeBSD License)
41 projects in result set


We moved to github:

Statut de développement: 4 - Beta, 5 - Production / écurie
Utilisateurs cibles: End Users/Desktop
Langage naturel: Japanese
Système d'exploitation: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Langage de programmation: C++, Python
Sujet: WWW/HTTP, Capture
Interface utilisateur: SDL, Tk, Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2008-04-10 21:54
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2016-02-07 15:09

TRX-305 DSP Framework "Hirado"

Develop an audio signal processing framework on the DSP for SDR kit TRX-305. The development language is GCC, using the TOPPERS/JSP for Blackfin as RTOS. This framework is named as "Hirado"

Statut de développement: 5 - Production / écurie
Langage naturel: English, Japanese
Système d'exploitation: Handheld/Embedded Operating Systems
Langage de programmation: C
Sujet: Ham Radio
Register Date: 2014-11-09 17:00


Unofficial additions to Void Linux.
The project contains work that aims to enhance Void Linux with - among others - a more capable init system/service manager and more third-party package building templates.

Register Date: 2022-02-19 22:34


The project compiles using continous integration the latest version of ROS for Gentoo Prefix. This generates a number of open source binary packages to be distributed.

Register Date: 2018-12-07 01:28
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2024-06-17 08:15

Dikt - Network Dictionary

Dikt is a dictionary application that implements the Dict protocol.

Dikt is a network application, which looks up words on Dict servers, and to use it, it is not necessary to install any dictionary files.

Dikt user interface is very similar to web browsers, it should be easy to use for anyone familiar with the Web and Internet.

Statut de développement: 5 - Production / écurie
Système d'exploitation: BSD, Linux
Langage de programmation: C++
Interface utilisateur: KDE
Register Date: 2020-08-29 05:22
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2019-04-01 19:13


VPP is a high-level C++ rendering and GPU computation API based on Vulkan.

Vulkan is the new API for 3D graphics rendering and GPU computation developed by Khronos Group.

VPP adds high-level, object-oriented C++ interface over Vulkan. The goal is to make Vulkan programming easier and more intuitive.

VPP provides the following features:

- Intuitive, object-oriented abstractions over Vulkan concepts: devices, queues, render passes, pipelines, shader resources, synchronization objects and others.

- Isolation from the C-style interface of Vulkan.

- Easy, conceptual design of render passes and pipelines.

- Unique ability to write all shader code directly in C++ (as class methods), without any need to use GLSL or other intermediate language. No separate compiler passes required. Any C++ 14 compliant compiler should work. No compiler extensions required. No hardware vendor or OS dependencies. All types of shaders supported.

- C++ shaders are automatically integrated into a pipeline and can access shader resources in straghtforward, object-oriented manner. Bindings and locations are automatically generated. Entire Vulkan shader interface is supported. Shaders may easily access: vertex inputs, uniform buffers, all kinds of image resources, attachments, push constants, builtin variables, inter-shader communication variables.

- C++ shaders can be subject to advanced C++ programming and design techniques: parametrization, templating, macros, modularization, OO design.

- Support for multithreading and automatic host synchronization of objects where Vulkan requires it.

- Compile-time detection of some Vulkan usage errors.

- Integration with third party libraries (currently GLM).

Current project status: pre-beta. All core features implemented. However, currently tested only on Windows/Visual Studio platform (CL and clang compilers). Other compilers and Linux / Android platform support in plans.

Statut de développement: 3 - Alpha
Utilisateurs cibles: Développeurs
Système d'exploitation: Windows
Langage de programmation: C++
Register Date: 2018-06-30 11:35


Please note: we have decided to move the repositories over to github. Please see

APES is a simulation suite for highly resolved physical simulations (mainly fluid dynamics) on massively parallel computing systems. It is based on octree meshes and their partitioning with a space-filling curve for distributed execution with the Message Passing Interface (MPI).

The suite covers all necessary tools from mesh generation (seeder) to post-processing (harvesting) and includes a Discontinuous Galerkin (ateles) and a Lattice-Boltzmann (musubi) solver within in this infrastructure. APES is available as open-source but there are various open-source licenses involved for different parts of the code. A large fraction is released under the terms of the ISC license.

The APES solvers have shown good scalability on hundreds of thousands of cores and runs on a wide range of different architectures from IBMs BlueGene to NEC SX vector systems.

The core library treelm is released under the two-clause BSD-license. The Aotus library, which is used for the user interface of the tools in the APES suite is released under the terms of the MIT license, and third party code included for convenience includes: GPL for coco, which is small program used for preprocessing the Fortran source code, BSD for waf that is used as a build tool, a modified BSD for extractions of LAPACK code, a custom license by Reiji Suda for FXTPACK, which states the following:

Anyone can use FXTPACK in any software, and anyone can modify the
source files.

When you publish your software that uses FXTPACK or its modification,
please mention that FXTPACK developed by Reiji Suda is used, in the

When you publish your paper of your research that uses FXTPACK,
please refer the paper [R. Suda, M. Takami, "A Fast Spherical Harmonics
Transform Algorithm", Math. Comp., 71-238, Apr. 2002, pp.703--715]
(and [R. SUda, "Fast Spherical Harmonic Transform Algorithm based on·
Generalized Fast Multiple Method", RIMS Kokyuroku vol 1606,
pp. 18-29, Jun. 2008, RIMS, Kyoto University]).

FXTPACK is only used as an optional feature in polynomial handling for the discontinuous Galerkin solver, another alternative is offered by the FFTW, but that library is not included in the source distribution.


DocuBox is a swiss army knife for document solution. It is a single binary that has multiple document solution commands internally. The project name is borrowed from a famous BusyBox.

BusyBox combines many tiny unix commands into single binary, and installed with many names by symbolic links. It run for its name,

DocuBox combines several python document solution commands into single binary, When rename or link the binary as sphinx-build, it behave sphinx-build command. When rename or link the binary sa mkdocs, it behave mkdocs command. It runs document solution commands on Windows, Linux and OS X with a single-file standalone binary.

DocuBox is also a docubox binary generator. It can generate ducubox binary for the platform built on. We build it with PyInstaller.

Register Date: 2023-01-07 09:15



Register Date: 2017-10-09 13:30


Simple image viewer written using the Enlightenment Foundation Kit.

Register Date: 2023-01-01 20:03
Dernière Mise à Jour: 2015-05-12 22:42



Statut de développement: Planification
Utilisateurs cibles: Développeurs
Langage naturel: Japanese
Système d'exploitation: OS Independent
Langage de programmation: C++, Java
Interface utilisateur: Java AWT, Console (Text Based)
Register Date: 2015-05-10 21:10


Development of software for speech activity on the Internet.

Register Date: 2013-07-15 22:28



Statut de développement: 4 - Beta
Utilisateurs cibles: Développeurs, Testers
Langage naturel: Japanese
Système d'exploitation: Windows 7
Langage de programmation: Visual Basic
Register Date: 2014-11-01 12:02


A Sublime Plugin that allow you run a HTTP Server in SublimeText 3, and serves all the open project folders in Sublime.

StaticServer has been test on Mac OS X Lion, Windows 7 and Windows XP, linux not tested.

Type http://localhost:port/ in y...

Register Date: 2014-12-09 00:56


Create random playlist that work with the Linn Majik DSM

Register Date: 2020-01-16 01:30