mvnForumは強力なオープンソースの掲示板(フォーラム)で、J2EE技術(JSP /サーブレット)とJSP1.2およびServlet 2.3をサポートする任意のサーブレットコンテナ及び互換性の上に構築されています。 公式ホームページはwww.mvnForum.comです。
Projets liésMPC-BE, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, PukiWiki, ギコナビ, Dumpper v.60.3 |
FUDforum is a templatable forum with i18n support based on PHP and either MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. It features a user/group management system, a multi-lingual spell checker, both flat and thread message views, a private messaging system with multi-user forwarding capabilities, poll file attachments, and much more. It is an extremely fast and scalable forum that can fulfil the needs of both small and large forum operators.
Projets liésbbs2chreader, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, XOOPS, MeCab, BathyScaphe |
PukiWiki ('PoohKeyWeKey' without any prolonged sounds, comes from 'PHP' and 'YukiWiki') is a wiki implementation that works on PHP 4 and 5, outputs XHTML 1.1, has many plugins (including one for bug tracking) and skins (such as one for embedded browsers), enables English and/or UTF-8 configuration, and features case-insensitive WikiNames. The formatting rules are based on YukiWiki. 'B-Wiki' and 'PukiWikiMod' are ported ones to XOOPS.
Register Date: 2002-06-17 21:12
Projets liésNucleus日本語版, huhamhire-hosts, Moodle, WPSPin, BathyScaphe |
UseBB is a PHP/MySQL forum package. Unlike other popular forum systems, it does not strive to have as many features as possible, but to be one of the easiest and most usable forum packages, limiting the basic feature set to only the essential. It is an ideal solution for small to medium-sized Web sites which require an easy to use forum package without the bloat, that produces standards compliant output, and is secure and easily configurable.
Projets liésXOOPS, MPC-BE, Dumpper v.60.3, WordPress Plugins/JSeries, BathyScaphe |
XOOPS is a popular CMS (content management system) written in PHP. It supports MySQL, and is an ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community Web sites, intra-company portals, corporate portals, Web logs, and much more.
Projets liésXOOPS, BathyScaphe, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, osCommerce 日本語版 |
CGIForum is a highly configurable template-based
discussion board. It supports
expandable/collapsible threads of unlimited depth,
name registration with password encryption,
multiple sections from within a single script,
previewing, searching, and marking of new entries.
It also lets you specify date-ranges to limit the
number of displayed entries. The included
administration script lets you change, delete, and
restore entries at any time.
Projets liésBathyScaphe, TuxGuitar, SmillaEnlarger, DeSmuME, WordPress Plugins/JSeries |
Adaptive Website Framework (AWF) is a modern content management system and development framework. Most of its code is object-oriented and very easy to extend. It features support for multiple Web sites and languages, content versioning, caching, community portal functions (online list, forums, instant messages, newsletters, weblogs, wiki, etc.), image upload and galleries, a lexicon, a modular full-text search engine, an auto repair function for database tables, XML and PDF export, and RSS and LDAP support. Changes can be made on a preview site and published at a later time on the live site. Fully flexible URLs allow the replacement of existing static Web sites.
Projets liésSmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Properties Editor, DeSmuME, PukiWiki |
PunBB is a fast and lightweight discussion board. Its primary goal is to be a faster, smaller, and less graphic alternative to otherwise excellent discussion boards like phpBB, Invision Power Board, and vBulletin. It has fewer features than many other discussion boards, but is generally faster and outputs smaller pages.
Projets liésMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, ギコナビ, BathyScaphe, MeCab |
miniBB is a flat, linear, highly customizable BB. It features
MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MSSQL support, table name
definitions, color skins, language packs, HTML templates,
access control, smilies, search, basic BB codes, member
titles and ranks, moderators, email notification, statistics,
encrypted cookie logging, IP and user ID tracking and
bans, spam protection, "sticky" topics, a powerful admin
panel, and more.
Projets liésWin32 Disk Imager, ギコナビ, Dumpper v.60.3, BathyScaphe, bbs2chreader |
mvnForum is a powerful, easy to use bulletin board.
Projets liésBathyScaphe, Dumpper v.60.3, Win32 Disk Imager, Properties Editor, MPC-BE |
eForum is server side software that enables geographically distant participants to share ideas and enhance teamwork via the Web. It allows project moderators to manage feedback and project discussions, and can display interactive Q&A tools.
Projets liésWin32 Disk Imager, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, Properties Editor, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Elgg is a professional social networking platform that empowers individuals, groups, and institutions to create their own fully-featured social network. It can also be used as a basis for developing custom networks using powerful hooks and APIs.
Projets liésDeSmuME, PukiWiki, OpenTween, Tween, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
「ぜろちゃんねるプラス」は2ちゃんねる互換スレッドフロート型掲示板スクリプトの「ぜろちゃんねる」をより2ちゃんねるに近いものにするとともに、 よりよい機能を追加していき、ぜろちゃんねるの上位版として提供していくプロジェクトです。 ...
Register Date: 2010-08-08 00:29
Projets liésMGB OpenSource Guestbook, Mona Font, a Japanese font for text arts, bbs2chreader, Jcow Social Networking Script, ギコナビ |
The RealizationEngine is designed from the ground up to facilitate group communication and collaboration. It will store that communication to built and manage an institutional knowledge base. It is accessible from any Web browser or Web-enabled device. Classified information is easily restricted to authorized individuals. Information can be compartmentalized, restricted, or published openly, as appropriate, all from the same system. Ideas are coherently threaded, and every message is searchable in a single location and in the context of the messages related to it.
Projets liésXOOPS, Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, bbs2chreader |
L-Forum is universal Web forum written in PHP. It has support for threading, multiple languages, and the PostgreSQL/MySQL database server. You can also easily change its design, or even change design on-the-fly with themes support.
Projets liésDumpper v.60.3, WordPress Plugins/JSeries, Win32 Disk Imager, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, BathyScaphe |