AZ Shopを開発するプロジェクト。AZ Shopに関する質問、バグ報告等を受け付けます。
Register Date: 2003-02-13 17:03
Projets liésOpenTween, FreeStyleWiki, Moodle, huhamhire-hosts, WPSPin |
mod_img は簡単な画像処理を行うための Apache モジュールです.
Register Date: 2003-09-30 15:18
Projets liésAlfresco Community Edition, Algebra Helper, Sledge, XOOPS, ufraw |
Register Date: 2002-04-20 11:08
Projets liés |
インタラクティブシェル。OSX, cygwin, Linux, FreeBSDで動きます。 ガベージコレクションがついていて、簡易なオブジェクト指向ができます。perlやrubyのようなテキスト処理を行なう内部コマンドを装備しています。全ての内部コマンドにはサンプル付きのヘルプがついてきます。補完は自身によって記述されていて、IDEのようにxyzshの文法に基づいて補完されます。migemoによる日本語ファイル名の補完もあります。
An interactive shell script language on OSX, cygwin, Linux, FreeBSD. This features simple object oriented scripting with garbage collection, text processing like perl or ruby and containes manual for all inner commands with their samples. Offcourse you can type commands with completion which is based on xyzsh grammer like IDE and is defined by itself.
> ls -F docs/ main.c samples/ sub.c > ls | each ( | chomp | -d && | print ) docs samples > ls -F | grep -v / main.c sub.c > ls | each ( ! | chomp | -d && | print ) main.c sub.c > ls | each ( | printf "-+- %s -+-"\n ) | join " " -+- docs -+- -+- main -+- -+- samples -+- -+- sub.c -+- > ls | each ( | scan . | join " " ) d o c s m a i n . c s a m p l e s s u b . c > cat data Gorou Yamanaka Rei Tanaka Yumiko Shiratori > cat data | each ( | =~ Yamanaka && | print ) Gorou Yamanaka > cat data | lines 0 1 Gorou Yamanaka Rei Tanaka > cat data | each ( | split | lines 1 0 | join ) Yamanaka Gorou Tanaka Rei Shiratori Yumiko > vim student.xyzsh class Student ( | var first_name second_name age country def show ( var first_name second_name age country | printf "name: %s %s¥nage: %s¥ncountry: %s¥n" ) ) object student student::run ( print "Yamanaka Gorou 23 Japan" | split | Student ) > load student.xyzsh > student::show name: Yamanaka Gorou age: 23 country: Japan > print 1 | var -local i; ls | scan . | while(| eval "|$i print |>") (|> join ""; ++ i ) A UT HOR SCHA NGELO GLICEN SEMakef ileMakef ile.inREA DMEREADME. jaUSAGEUSAG E.jacompleti on.xyzshconfi config.logconfi g.statusconfigur econfigure.inhelp .xyzshinstall.shli bxyzsh.1.7.0.dylibl ibxyzsh.1.dyliblibxy zsh.dylibmanread_hist ory.xyzshsrcxyzshxyzsh .dSYMxyzsh.xyzsh > ls | lines 0 1 | scan . | each ( | chomp | x 5 | pomch ) AAAAA UUUUU TTTTT HHHHH OOOOO RRRRR SSSSS CCCCC HHHHH AAAAA NNNNN GGGGG EEEEE LLLLL OOOOO GGGGG
Register Date: 2012-08-30 17:16
Projets liésFreeMat, DMonkey, dlib C++ Library, Exerb, GSFinder+ for W-ZERO3 |
This is pam_smtpauth, a pluggable authentication module that can be used with Linux-PAM and SMTP Authentication(SMTP-AUTH).
Register Date: 2009-06-12 12:31
Projets liésxVideoServiceThief, Moodle, Nagios, Clonezilla, nmon for Linux |
Register Date: 2005-08-25 13:43
Projets liésMetamo installer, OVARepo, TERASOLUNA Framework, Seasar, Slackware Add-on package Project |
Developing of DICOM server and Web-based medical imaging distribution system using open source software.
Register Date: 2006-02-22 13:09
Projets liésAngosso, SWF Editor for PHP, AWStats, OpenEMR, TEMPURA |
Project to modify/improve SlavaNap(Win32 GUI OpenNap Server),
especially for Japanese Server Admins.
Register Date: 2002-04-07 00:47
Projets liésSunshineUN, SlavaNap, WinLop - Lopster for Win32, opennap-ng, XNapster - a Java Napster client. |
The PAXOS filesystem is a high availability filesystem as a concrete application using the following major technologies. It is the one to offer the core framework of the computing system in the Cloud System age.
【 Major Technology 】
1. Taking of mass data into Paxos mediation
2. Making of log (Snapshot) and cash automatic pursuit (Catchup) function
3. Autonomous selection of mastering server
4. Speed-up by multiplexing
5. Session management and event operation
Register Date: 2011-05-11 13:50
Projets liésSamba Japanese Translation Project[relocated], Xming X Server for Windows, Win32 Disk Imager, RamdiskOnMenubar (ROM), hadoop for windows |
もともとの Piwik のログ取り込み機能を拡張し fluentd からのログも取り込むべく開発を行う。 Piwik の日本語(マルチバイト)問題を解決するパッチの提供。 Piwik 日本ユーザー会有志による。
Register Date: 2014-07-01 21:25
Projets liésPortal Application Laboratory, osCommerce 日本語版, ma38su, Vertrigo, AppServ |
Register Date: 2011-10-27 15:05
Projets liésCompiere-オープンソースERP & CRM, Alfresco Community Edition, MalonAccount, ADempiere ERP Business Suite, Nagios |
gnupackは手軽にcygwinとemacsを導入できるパッケージソフトウェアです。アーカイブファイルを展開するだけでgnupackはすぐに利用できます。詳しくはユーザガイド(gnupack Users Guide)を参照してく...
Register Date: 2009-12-05 17:21
Projets liésSoftware for at least Win32 and Linux., PRIME - 予測入力システム, The Lovely Sister Database, Emacs bzr for w32, XKeymacs |
This Redmine plugin is made to be able to attend information such as the Permissions report, the workflow and so on from the general user.
In the case of the workflow, the flow charts is viewable.
Register Date: 2011-07-03 16:29
Projets liésSharpDevelop-jp, Orwell Dev-C++, PCRE, XOOPS, Properties Editor |
We provide a set of binary packages to construct a Japanese (La)TeX Environment using Cygwin Net-installer. It consists of ptetex (Japanese patch collection for teTeX) and CJK-customized Ghostscript.
Register Date: 2008-08-03 22:06
Projets liésefont, opfc, wxMaxima, Algebra Helper, Netgen Mesh Generator |
TOMOYO LinuxのCUIポリシーエディタであるccs-editpolicyをベースにGTK+で作成したGUIポリシーエディタです。 TOMOYO Linux 2.4以降、1.8.1以降 または AKARI 1.0.X以降 に対応しており、Ubuntu 10.04、10.10、11.04、11.10、CentOS 5.5、5.6 で動作します。
Register Date: 2010-12-16 23:36
Projets liésLinux-HA Japan, ksar : a sar grapher, Puppy Linux 日本語版, UltraDefrag, Process Hacker |