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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2013-09-13 11:53


CVS is a version control system, which allows you to keep old versions of files (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes occurred, etc., like RCS or SCCS. Unlike the simpler systems, CVS does not just operate on one file at a time or one directory at a time, but operates on hierarchical collections of directories consisting of version controlled files. CVS helps to manage releases and to control the concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. CVS allows triggers to enable/log/control various operations and works well over a wide area network.

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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2011-02-09 12:41


Scmbug integrates software configuration management (SCM) with bug-tracking. It aims to solve the integration problem once and for all. It will glue any source code version control system (such as CVS/CVSNT, Subversion, and Git) with any bug tracking system (such as Bugzilla, Mantis, Request Tracker, Test Director).

Dernière Mise à Jour: 2014-04-10 14:15


OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine. It helps you search, cross-reference, and navigate your source tree. It can understand various program file formats and version control histories like Mercurial, Bazaar, Git, ClearCase, Perforce, SCCS, RCS, CVS, or Subversion. In other words, it lets you grok (profoundly understand) the source.

Dernière Mise à Jour: 2014-01-14 22:00


ViewVC (formerly known as ViewCVS) is a Python/CGI-based system for viewing and interacting with Subversion and CVS repositories through your Web browser. It can browse directories, view changelogs, generate diffs, view arbitrary revisions, and display annotated ("blame") listings. It has full support for tags and branches, and contains a database-backed query system like Bonsai. It was initially based on the cvsweb work by Henner Zeller, but has been ported to Python and dramatically enhanced.

Dernière Mise à Jour: 2005-09-25 14:39


cvsweb is a visual (WWW) interface for exploring a CVS repository. Its enhancements include recognition and display of popular MIME-types, visual, color-coded, side-by-side diffs of changes, and the ability sort the file display and to hide old files from view. cvsweb requires the server to have CVS and a CVS repository worth exploring.

Dernière Mise à Jour: 2011-11-25 14:02


Meld is a visual diff and merge tool. It integrates with most version control systems. The diff viewer lets you edit files in place (diffs update dynamically), and a middle column shows detailed changes and allows merges. The margins show location of changes for easy browsing, and it also features a tabbed interface that allows you to open many diffs at once.

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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2011-11-28 22:39


tkdiff is a graphical diff and merge tool that runs on many platforms. It supports many revision control systems: AccuRev, BitKeeper, ClearCase, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Perforce, PVCS, RCS, SCCS, and Subversion. It is also useful with unversioned files.

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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2010-04-28 10:30


Chora is built upon the Horde Application Framework and provides a read-only browser interface to any number of version control repositories. Advanced features include a visual branch view of the repository's history, pretty-printed output, annotation, patchsets and basic statistics.

Dernière Mise à Jour: 2011-11-28 22:35


TkCVS is a cross-platform, Tcl/Tk-based GUI for the CVS and Subversion configuration management systems. It displays the status of the files in the current working directory, and provides buttons and menus to execute CVS, Subversion, or RCS commands on the selected files. The Log Browser displays a branch diagram of the revision history. The Module Browser extends CVS with facilities for a user-friendly listing of modules in the repository. TkDiff is included for browsing and merging your changes.

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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2012-03-04 19:43


cvsd is a wrapper program for CVS in pserver mode. It will run 'cvs pserver' under a special uid/gid in a chroot jail. cvsd is run as a daemon and is controlled through a configuration file. It is easy to configure and provides tools for setting up a rootjail and managing repositories.

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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2013-12-12 08:10


CVSps collect changesets from CVS repositories. It can be used either by humans to inspect changesets or as an exporter from CVS to other version control systems - it can be told to emit a fast-export stream to standard output. The code has been end-of-lifed and using cvs-fast-export instead is recommended.

Dernière Mise à Jour: 2009-11-05 08:50


Codestriker is a Web application that supports online code reviews. Traditional document reviews are supported, as well as reviewing diffs generated by an SCM (Source Code Management) system and plain unidiff patches. There are integration points with CVS, Subversion, Clearcase, Perforce, Visual SourceSafe, and Bugzilla. There is a plug-in architecture for supporting other SCMs and issue tracking systems. It minimizes paper work, ensures that issues, comments, and decisions are recorded in a database, and provides a comfortable workspace for actually performing code inspections. An optional highly-configurable metrics subsystem allows you to record code inspection metrics as a part of your process.

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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2010-02-11 00:32


CrossVC is a cross-platform version control client formerly known as

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Dernière Mise à Jour: 2010-07-18 21:03


TIA is an ncurses-based console IDE for GCC, G++, Java, Perl, PHP, BASH, BUSH, HTML, and GNAT (Ada 95). It has integrated support for CVS, SVN, and ncurses compatible mice. Features include a ddd-style console debugger, automatic spelling correction, keyword hilighting, project statistics, automatic backups, and keyboard macros. The project window controls optimization and debug settings all in one place. TIA supports make, cook, and gnatmake project builders. For large projects, each user has a separate preference file.

Dernière Mise à Jour: 2005-11-22 00:13


Freepository is a Web-based revision control system based on massive extensions of CVSWeb. It employs a project concept, which provides member accounts and access controls. At project creation, unique CVS repositories are created, containing their respectively unique project credentials. The database maps users to repositories. It also supports multi-file upload, secure remote command line access, and on-the-fly tarring & downloading of repositories.

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