Freeciv is a multiuser reimplementation for Unix/X of the famous Microprose game of Civilization. By default, the game is an improved Civ II, but this can be customized; modpacks for near-100% compatibility with Civ I and Civ II are included. Multiuser gameplay is real-time: in each turn, all human players move concurrently. The game is designed to remain fairly playable even on poor network connections. Freeciv can also be played on standalone machines, and its AI players are a good challenge for beginners. The source code comes with the server, two X clients, and non-X clients for MS Windows and Amiga. Freeciv is released under the GNU General Public License. It is maintained by an international team of coders and enthusiasts, and is easily one of the most fun and addictive network games out there.
Projets liésMeCab, KancolleSniffer, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE |
BZFlag is a 3D, multiplayer, tank battle zone, capture the flag game that pits players against each other in a networked environment. It runs on Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Linux, MacOS 10.x, Irix, Solaris, and others. An OpenGL accelerator is highly recommended, but it is playable with 3D in software.
Projets liésMeCab, Regnessem, Dumpper v.60.3, PukiWiki, Win32 Disk Imager |
Crystal Space is a free and portable 3D engine written in C++. It supports a large number of 3D features.
Projets liésSmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Separate+, unofficial gpSP kai, MAME Spirits |
Scorched 3D is a modernization of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth ("The Mother Of All Games"). It incorporates a lively three dimensional landscape that includes animated jets, naval vessels, water, and even birds, in addition to detailed tanks and projectiles. Other enhancements include LAN and Internet play and music.
Projets liésGLOBALBASE PROJECT, MeCab, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3, KancolleSniffer |
In Warzone 2100, you command the forces of "The Project" in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has almost been destroyed by nuclear missiles. The game offers campaign, tutorial, multi-player, and single-player skirmish modes. An extensive tech tree with over 400 different technologies, combined with the unit design system, allows for a wide variety of possible units and tactics.
Projets liésGLOBALBASE PROJECT, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE |
Airtraffic is a game/simulator that puts you into an air traffic controller's hotseat. Planes come into your airspace from various directions and you have to guide them safely to their destinations. It uses Python, Corba, and GTK.
Projets liésKancolleSniffer, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, DTXMania, MPC-BE, MeCab |
Globulation is an innovative high quality real-time strategy which minimizes micro-management by automatically assigning tasks to the units. The player has to choose the number of units they want for the different tasks, and the units will do their best to satisfy the requests. This allows the player to manage more units and to focus on the strategy.
Projets liésSmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, MAME32jp, unofficial gpSP kai, GLOBALBASE PROJECT |
UFO: Alien Invasion is a squad-based tactical strategy game in the tradition of the old X-COM PC games, but with a twist. This game combines military realism with hard science-fiction and the weirdness of an alien invasion. The carefully constructed turn-based system gives you pin-point control of your squad while maintaining a sense of pace and danger. The story is set in the year 2084. You control a secret organization charged with defending Earth from a brutal alien enemy.
Projets liésWin32 Disk Imager, MAME Spirits, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, MeCab |
Erebus is a 2D real-time role-playing game with three quests and random dungeons. It is a classic point-n-click style RPG, with dungeons to explore, enemies to fight, NPCs to talk to, sub-quests to complete, scenery to interact with, weapons, treasure, and other items to find.
Projets liésMeCab, KancolleSniffer, MPC-BE, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Widelands is an economic and military simulation game. The map is shown in parallel perspective with 3-dimensional terrain. Buildings and units are animated. The player controls a tribe. Land is claimed and held by military presence and then used to build an economy to support military expansion and confrontation. The project is a work in progress where much remains to be done; computer players and multiplayer are in very early stages of development. Some features that have already been implemented are exploration, fog of war, sound effects, background music, adjustable simulation speed, a few tutorial campaigns, translations to several languages, and a map editor.
Projets liésWin32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3, MeCab, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Liquid War is a truly original multiplayer wargame. You control an army formed with thousands of pixels (fighters) which look like liquid and try to eat your opponent. You can play against a primitive NPC/AI or up to 5 other human players. Network play is available.
Projets liésMeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, unofficial gpSP kai, MPC-BE |
XPilot is a graphical multi-player maneuvering
game with less-exciting graphics, but more speed,
tactics, and insults. Some people also use it for
UDP network analysis. Over the past eight years of
playing and development, tons of features have
been added to the game, from basic weapons like
shotguns and missiles to more recent ones like
phasing devices, invisibility, or hyperjump.
Projets liésDumpper v.60.3, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, KancolleSniffer, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Empire is a game that is played against human opponents over a computer network. It is possible for a game to last from a few hours to many months. While the common goal of an Empire player is to win, there is no clear-cut definition of what winning is. Players may seek to achieve whatever goals they want to achieve.
Projets liésMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, MPC-BE, MeCab, MAME32jp, MAME Spirits |
GalaxyHack allows you to design a fleet of spaceships which can then be tested in AI script based battles against fleets designed by other players. Though battles take place in real time, the strategy comes beforehand, both in writing short AI scripts in an easy-to-use proprietary scripting language, and also in the set up and selection of your forces.
Projets liésMPC-BE, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, unofficial gpSP kai, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, MAME Spirits |
Cadaver is a simulated world of cyborgs and nature in realtime. The battlefield consists of forests, grain, water, grass, carcass (of course) and lots of other things. The game server manages the game and the rules. You start a server and connect some clients. The clients communicate with the server using a very primitive protocol. They can order cyborgs to harvest grain, attack enemies or cut forest. The game is not intended to be played by humans! Instead the idea is that you write artificial intelligence clients to beat the other artificial intelligences.
Projets liésMAME Spirits, SmillaEnlarger, Darik's Boot and Nuke, DTXMania, KancolleSniffer |