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Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
demokritos(freshmeat) Demokritos Demokritos is a server implementation of the At... Télécharger
gshare(freshmeat) G-Share G-Share is a script that allows you to share yo... Télécharger
swpartc(freshmeat) swpartc swpartc is a simple but reliable utility for c... Télécharger
skudoku(freshmeat) Su-per-Doku Su-per-Doku is a sudoku puzzle game for superka... Télécharger
hatimmanager(freshmeat) Hatim Manager Hatim Manager is a Web application which manage... Télécharger
rocap(freshmeat) rocap rocap is an IP bandwidth monitoring system base... Télécharger
smewebapp(freshmeat) SME Web Application Framework SMEWebApp is a framework for constructing Web a... Télécharger
bandsaw(freshmeat) Band Saw Band Saw is a syslog monitoring program for GNO... Télécharger
cache4j(freshmeat) cache4j cache4j is a cache for Java objects with a simp... Télécharger
jakelib2(freshmeat) Jakelib2 Jakelib2 is a cross platform C++ class library ... Télécharger
jconfigxml(freshmeat) jConfigXML jConfigXML is a configuration manager written i... Télécharger
rss2writer(freshmeat) RSS2Writer RSS2Writer is a simple class which allows the c... Télécharger
rigel(freshmeat) RIGEL RIGEL is a lightweight evolutionary algorithms ... Télécharger
nageographer(freshmeat) Nageographer Nageographer is a graphical utility to aid in p... Télécharger
rcplive(freshmeat) RCPlive RCPlive is a router live CD based on Debian 7 a... Télécharger
jigsaw_php_js(freshmeat) PHP/Javascript Jigsaw puzzle PHP/Javascript Jigsaw puzzle automatically crea... Télécharger
mulumis(freshmeat) Simulum Simulum deals with different simulations of sta... Télécharger
lxbios(freshmeat) Lxbios Lxbios is a utility for reading and writing Li... Télécharger
matchbox(freshmeat) Matchbox Matchbox provides a lightweight, flexible base ... Télécharger
xrestop(freshmeat) xrestop Xrestop uses the X-Resource extension to provid... Télécharger
aeskulap(freshmeat) Aeskuap Aeskulap is a medical image viewer. It is able ... Télécharger
multicursor-wm(freshmeat) Multi-Cursor Window Manager Multi-Cursor Window Manager creates a desktop e... Télécharger
globs(freshmeat) GL O.B.S. GL O.B.S. (GL Open Benchmark Suite) is based ar... Télécharger
pyannolib(freshmeat) PyAnnolib PyAnnolib is a library that lets your Python pr... Télécharger
yeahconsole(freshmeat) yeahconsole Yeahconsole puts an xterm or rxvt-unicode windo... Télécharger
libcmt(freshmeat) LibCMT LibCMT (Composable Memory Transactions Library)... Télécharger
rox-system(freshmeat) ROX System Monitor The ROX System Monitor displays a large window ... Télécharger
pythmloo(freshmeat) pyhtmloo pyhtmloo is a library allowing Python developer... Télécharger
cattty(freshmeat) catty (cat-tty) catty is a small utility to write to and read f... Télécharger
tappipe(freshmeat) tappipe tappipe is a VPN that is very small and very ea... Télécharger
teamplanner(freshmeat) TeamPlanner TeamPlanner is an organization application that... Télécharger
wifiroamd(freshmeat) wifiroamd wifiroamd is a background program which tries t... Télécharger
polarviewer(freshmeat) PolarViewer PolarViewer is a viewer application for exercis... Télécharger
kuartetdesktop(freshmeat) Kuartet Desktop The Kuartet Desktop project aims to create a v... Télécharger
jreepad(freshmeat) Jreepad Jreepad allows you to store and edit all your l... Télécharger
prtunnel(freshmeat) prtunnel prtunnel tunnels a TCP connection through to a ... Télécharger
ifsgr(freshmeat) IFSgr IFSgr is a command line two-dimensional linear ... Télécharger
evs4j(freshmeat) Extended Virtual Synchrony for Java Extended Virtual Synchrony for Java is a pure J... Télécharger
programd(freshmeat) Program D Program D is a widely used AIML bot platform. I... Télécharger
iaxdissect(freshmeat) IaxDissect IaxDissect is a dissector for the Inter-Asteris... Télécharger
cdrw-taper(freshmeat) Amanda CDRW-Taper The Amanda CDRW-Taper is a drop-in replacement ... Télécharger
vtkflrenderwindowinteractor(freshmeat) vtkFlRenderWindowInteractor vtkFlRenderWindowInteractor is a class which en... Télécharger
tivonage(freshmeat) TiVonage TiVonage allows Vonage customers to use a TiVo ... Télécharger
pisg(freshmeat) Perl IRC Statistics Generator pisg is a smart Perl script which generates sta... Télécharger
frysk(freshmeat) Frysk The goal of the Frysk project is to create an i... Télécharger
usbheadsetbuttons(freshmeat) USB Headset Buttons USB Headset Buttons is a tool that enables volu... Télécharger
ibwebadmin(freshmeat) ibWebAdmin ibWebAdmin is a web based admin tool for the In... Télécharger
jhighlight(freshmeat) JHighlight JHighlight is an embeddable Java syntax highlig... Télécharger
mapguideopensource(freshmeat) MapGuide Open Source MapGuide Open Source is a Web-based platform t... Télécharger
jboolexpr(freshmeat) JBooleanExpression JBooleanExpression is a simple Java API to eval... Télécharger
luma(freshmeat) Luma Luma is a graphical utility for accessing and m... Télécharger
iftools(freshmeat) Ionflux Tools Class Library The Ionflux Tools Class Library is a lightweigh... Télécharger
amyedit(freshmeat) amyedit AmyEdit is a LaTeX editor. It currently feature... Télécharger
authmemcookie(freshmeat) Auth MemCookie Auth MemCookie is an Apache v2 authentication a... Télécharger
siar(freshmeat) SIAR SIAR (Simple IP Account Reporter) is a plug-in ... Télécharger
symtone(freshmeat) symTone symTone is a dual cursor image manipulation pro... Télécharger
maverickdbms(freshmeat) MaVerick - MultiValue Database Management System MaVerick is a MultiValue database management sy... Télécharger
swish(freshmeat) SWISH++ SWISH++ is a Unix-based file indexing and searc... Télécharger
xoridor(freshmeat) Xoridor Xoridor is a strategic board game in which the ... Télécharger
sentensa(freshmeat) Sentensa SENTENSA Knowledge Miner is a platform independ... Télécharger
brockman(freshmeat) Brockman Brockman is an information radiator for monitor... Télécharger
cyrus2courier(freshmeat) cyrus2courier cyrus2courier is a nice little tool to convert ... Télécharger
pstdelta(freshmeat) pstdelta Pstdelta can be used to store the differences b... Télécharger
minicppunit(freshmeat) MiniCppUnit MiniCppUnit is another C++ port of the famous J... Télécharger
testenvironmenttoolkit(freshmeat) Test Environment Toolkit The Test Environment Toolkit (TET), is a multi-... Télécharger
hydra(freshmeat) Hydra Hydra is a high performance multi-threaded HTTP... Télécharger
canal(freshmeat) CAN Abstraction Layer The CAN Abstraction Layer (CANAL) provides a si... Télécharger
leonardo(freshmeat) Leonardo Leonardo is personal Web site system that inclu... Télécharger
ditrit(freshmeat) ditrit Ditrit is a programmable application launcher t... Télécharger
libutl(freshmeat) libUTL++ libUTL++ is a C++ class library that includes a... Télécharger
iceb(freshmeat) iceB IceB is personal and corporate accounting softw... Télécharger
portfoliotracker(freshmeat) PortfolioTracker PortfolioTracker allows you to track and manage... Télécharger
decade(freshmeat) Decade Decade allows dynamic motion simulation in Cati... Télécharger
foopanel(freshmeat) Foopanel Foopanel is a desktop panel that is themable an... Télécharger
travianbot(freshmeat) Travian Bot TravianBot is a set of Python modules for autom... Télécharger
hatohol(freshmeat) Hatohol Hatohol collects monitoring information from va... Télécharger
celsiusws(freshmeat) CelSius WS CelSius Web script is a scripting language. It ... Télécharger
pys60miniapps(freshmeat) PyS60 Mini Applications PyS60 Mini Applications is a series of small ap... Télécharger
mkcdtoc(freshmeat) mkcdtoc mkcdtoc is a small and flexible command line ut... Télécharger
picosql(freshmeat) picoSQL picoSQL is an Italian RDBMS. Because it derives... Télécharger
jcons(freshmeat) JCons JCons provides a library that bring color to yo... Télécharger
labycube(freshmeat) LabyCube LabyCube is a labyrinth generator that creates ... Télécharger
spl(freshmeat) The SPL Programming Language SPL is a powerful scripting language. It featur... Télécharger
rubber(freshmeat) Rubber Rubber is a building system for LaTeX documents... Télécharger
rebbin(freshmeat) Rebbin Rebbin is a pastebin which uses the Ruby on Rai... Télécharger
pam_unix2(freshmeat) pam_unix2 The pam_unix2 PAM module is for traditional pa... Télécharger
tinydyndns(freshmeat) tinydyndns tinydyndns is a simple but powerful dynamic DNS... Télécharger
angelion-tdc(freshmeat) Angelion: The Demon Conflict Angelion: The Demon Conflict is an isometric cl... Télécharger
dmucs(freshmeat) Distributed Multi-User Compilation System DMUCS is a system that extends distcc to allow ... Télécharger
perl-pad(freshmeat) PerlPad PerlPad is a Cocoa application that lets users ... Télécharger
trace2html(freshmeat) trace2html trace2html is a utility to convert execution co... Télécharger
dbcopyplugin(freshmeat) DB Copy Plugin DB Copy Plugin is a database copying plugin for... Télécharger
breathingreminder(freshmeat) BreathingReminder BreathingReminder pops up an image at regular i... Télécharger
wordcleaner(freshmeat) Word HTML Cleaner Word HTML Cleaner strips all the junk tags and ... Télécharger
kpodder(freshmeat) KPodder KPodder is a simple configuration frontend for ... Télécharger
socklog(freshmeat) socklog socklog cooperates with the runit package to cr... Télécharger
biome(freshmeat) Biome Biome is a simulation library aimed at individu... Télécharger
cdserver(freshmeat) cdServer cdServer is a simple HTTP server, based on the ... Télécharger
calamaris(freshmeat) Calamaris Calamaris parses the logfiles of a wide variety... Télécharger
squtun(freshmeat) SquTUN SquTUN (pronounced "skew-ton") create... Télécharger

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