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Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
whatsnewfm(sfnet) whatsnewfm whatsnewfm is a filter for the daily freshmeat ... Télécharger
masterofmana(sfnet) Master of Mana Master of Mana is a fantasy Modification (Mod) ... Télécharger
cartography3d(sfnet) Praetorians map editor A map editor for the PC game Praetorians. Progr... Télécharger
graceplot(sfnet) xmgrace python interface This is a python module providing a nearly comp... Télécharger
tiobench(sfnet) Threaded I/O tester Portable, fully-threaded I/O benchmark program Télécharger
piclinux(sfnet) piclinux Desarrollo y soporte de software para programac... Télécharger
iipimage(freshmeat) IIPImage IIPImage is an advanced high-performance featur... Télécharger
multignometerm(sfnet) multi-gnome-terminal Multi Gnome Terminal is an enhanced version of ... Télécharger
cblackjackwiths(sfnet) c++ blackjack with source Here is a game of blackjack made in c++ it is a... Télécharger
dijkstra-java(sfnet) Dijkstra A Java implementation of the Dijkstra bestpath ... Télécharger
ccftomarcconver(sfnet) CCF to MARC Conversion Utility This utility is primarily focused on libraries,... Télécharger
cconverter(sfnet) cConverter Currency Converter is a free open source softwa... Télécharger
cbr2pdf(sfnet) cbr2pdf Bash / Nautilus script to convert cbr/cbz files... Télécharger
snmpsharpnet(sfnet) SNMP#NET Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) .Net ... Télécharger
stexteditor(sfnet) Simple TextEditor A very simple TextEditor, that works on any sys... Télécharger
openrocket(sfnet) OpenRocket An Open Source model rocket simulator. Télécharger
scarangel(sfnet) ScarAngel Mod This is an eMule mod based on the Xtreme mod. I... Télécharger
whitebeam(sfnet) Whitebeam Web Application Server Whitebeam is a complete rapid development Web a... Télécharger
mephisto(sfnet) Mephisto Mod This is the official branch of the eMule ScarAn... Télécharger
simplespread(sfnet) Simple Javascript Spreadsheet An OpenSource Javascript Spreadsheet project ba... Télécharger
cblackjack(sfnet) C# BlackJack A C# game of BlackJack. Télécharger
quickeasyphp(sfnet) EasyPHP EasyPHP : WAMP Server for PHP development and w... Télécharger
lilidab(sfnet) LiLiDaB Lightweight Literature Database Lightweight Literature Database: a Qt/ODBC base... Télécharger
cridmanager(sfnet) CridManager This project is dormant. Télécharger
mppviewer(sfnet) Mpp Viewer MPP Viewer is a simple viewer for Microsoft Pro... Télécharger
miniircd(freshmeat) miniircd miniircd is a small and limited IRC server writ... Télécharger
shttpd(sfnet) Simple HTTPD ATTENTION: project moved to http://code.google.... Télécharger
vb-lite-unit(sfnet) VB Lite Unit A light-weight testing framework written in Vis... Télécharger
rcomm(sfnet) rcomm A light weight remote communications server all... Télécharger
cdicsearch(sfnet) cdic-search-engine pure java unicode full text desktop search engi... Télécharger
gracelets(sfnet) Gracelets Groovy + Facelets = Gracelets. This combination... Télécharger
virtualts-940s(sfnet) Virtual TS-940S Kenwood TS-940S CAT software. Complete user int... Télécharger
fortranxunit(sfnet) FORTRAN Unit Test Framework (FRUIT) FORTRAN Unit Test Framework, written in FORTRAN... Télécharger
domingo(sfnet) Domingo - Java-API to Lotus Notes/Domino Groupware-API for stable access from Java to Lo... Télécharger
fairmount(freshmeat) Fairmount Fairmount mounts the contents of a video DVD on... Télécharger
yejunxing(sfnet) yejunxing sdasdsadsadsadsadsadsadsadasdasdasdasdadasdasda... Télécharger
bercodec(sfnet) BER (ASN.1) Encode/Decode .Net Library Encode/Decode library to/from Basic Encoding Ru... Télécharger
junming(sfnet) junming junming is a website about 3d used in web. Télécharger
tupi2d(sfnet) Tupi: Open 2D Magic A design and authoring tool for 2D Animation fo... Télécharger
linux-ntfs(sfnet) Linux NTFS file system support Development on this project has moved to https:... Télécharger
cheatenginemac(sfnet) Cheat Engine for MAC Cheat Engine for Mac is the unofficial mac port... Télécharger
indradesktop(sfnet) IndraDesktop WebOS Web OS designed to integrate multiple web appli... Télécharger
viewssld(sfnet) viewssld - SSL traffic decryption daemon WARNING: Project moved to http://github.com/pla... Télécharger
mlterm(sfnet) mlterm(Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator) mlterm is a multi-lingual terminal emulator , w... Télécharger
fsos(sfnet) FlowScreen OS Software system for FlowScreen Router, with Sem... Télécharger
gpsproxy(sfnet) GPSProxy GPSProxy is a .NET Compact Framework applicatio... Télécharger
ff3hr(sfnet) Firefox 3 History Recovery (outdated!) Outdated! Only works for Firefox 3.0-3.2. ff3hr... Télécharger
linux-abi(sfnet) Linux ABI Project The Linux abi is a patch to the linux kernel th... Télécharger
emssframework(sfnet) emss iRobot Create Framework C++ framework designed to support iRobot Create... Télécharger
flazr(sfnet) Flazr Flazr is a Java implementation of protocols suc... Télécharger
getchaman(sfnet) Getchaman Getchaman is a simple file sharing program. Télécharger
jspresso(sfnet) Jspresso Jspresso is an innovative framework for buildin... Télécharger
oprofile(sfnet) OProfile OProfile is a low-overhead, transparent profile... Télécharger
netrek(sfnet) Netrek Netrek is a multiplayer battle simulation game ... Télécharger
visionegg(sfnet) Vision Egg The Vision Egg produces 2D and 3D visual stimul... Télécharger
racetracksup(sfnet) Pinewood Derby Race Track 2 Race Track is a Pinewood Derby Race Management ... Télécharger
networkupstools(freshmeat) Network UPS Tools Network UPS Tools (also known as NUT) is an ext... Télécharger
mohachat(sfnet) MOHA Chat - Chat any way you wish MOHA Chat is a free and open source chat soluti... Télécharger
rawquake(sfnet) rawquake Various Quake 3 clients for Windows with raw mo... Télécharger
bonding(sfnet) Linux Channel Bonding Linux kernel driver for aggregating multiple ne... Télécharger
softgun(sfnet) softgun Softgun is an embedded system simulator. It is ... Télécharger
ipchangerbolo(sfnet) ip changer small tool which helps in easy chaning of ip, m... Télécharger
composestar(sfnet) Compose* Compose* is a project that aims at enhancing th... Télécharger
vnc-proxy(sfnet) vnc-proxy In just one clic (no setup) this Java Applet ba... Télécharger
delphineroapi(sfnet) Nero API for Delphi A port for Delphi of the Nero API for burning C... Télécharger
gfire(sfnet) Gfire Gfire is a plugin for the Pidgin IM client whic... Télécharger
ingeniweb(sfnet) Ingeniweb Products This project is an assorted collection of tools... Télécharger
muse(freshmeat) MusE MusE is a multitrack virtual studio for Linux. ... Télécharger
landisview(sfnet) LANDISView A simple, functional software interface for vie... Télécharger
unia-ditaeditor(sfnet) DE-University Augsburg - DITA Editor DE-University Augsburg - DITA Editor is a XML-b... Télécharger
beautifulmindio(freshmeat) BeautifulMind.io BeautifulMind.io is a realtime collaborative mi... Télécharger
oscarmcmaster(sfnet) OSCARMcMaster OSCAR (Open Source Clinical Application and Res... Télécharger
meredys(sfnet) Meredys Meredys (MEsoscopic REaction DYnamics Simulator... Télécharger
kickme(sfnet) The Hotwire Suite Enterprise Server LiveInventory, and Rapid Buil... Télécharger
portablesigner(freshmeat) PortableSigner PortableSigner is a Java application to sign no... Télécharger
muwire(sfnet) Muwire A minimalist filesharing application. Télécharger
phplog(freshmeat) PHPLog PHPLog is a log monitoring package, conceptuall... Télécharger
jetty(sfnet) Jetty - Java HTTP Servlet Server Jetty is an open-source project providing a HTT... Télécharger
glfw(sfnet) GLFW GLFW is a free, Open Source, portable library f... Télécharger
emu(sfnet) The Emu Speech Database System EMU is a collection of software tools for the c... Télécharger
scantailor(sfnet) Scan Tailor Scan Tailor has moved: http://scantailor.org ht... Télécharger
codestriker(sfnet) Codestriker: collaborative code reviewer Codestriker is a web application supporting onl... Télécharger
idthemes(sfnet) IDThemes IDThemes is an implementation of innovative met... Télécharger
jspx-bay(sfnet) jspx JSPX is a Java Web RAD Framework. That is based... Télécharger
yenc32(sfnet) yEnc32 - GUI yEncoder/yDecoder A flexible, easy-to-use GUI yEncoder/yDecoder f... Télécharger
gskydigest(sfnet) gSky Digest gSky Digest is a system tray desktop applicatio... Télécharger
porcupineserver(sfnet) Porcupine Web Application Server Porcupine is an open-source Python based web ap... Télécharger
simmetrics(sfnet) SimMetrics SimMetrics is a Similarity Metric Library, e.g.... Télécharger
solar-empire(sfnet) Solar Empire Solar Empire is a GPL/public domain browser-bas... Télécharger
solunas(sfnet) Solunas Hotel Booking Engine Manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday ... Télécharger
dbf(sfnet) dBASE Reader and Converter dbf is an easy-to-use command line tool to show... Télécharger
devgu(sfnet) Dev-C++ General Updates A collection of several crucial dependency upda... Télécharger
apetestbed(sfnet) APE - Ad Hoc Protocol Evaluation testbed APE is a testbed for evaluation of mobile ad ho... Télécharger
libonion(freshmeat) libonion libonion is a lightweight library that helps yo... Télécharger
josso(sfnet) JOSSO Atricore’s JOSSO is an open source and commerci... Télécharger
hastymail(sfnet) Hastymail Hastymail is a fast, secure, rfc-compliant, cro... Télécharger
gridsterjs(freshmeat) gridster.js gridster.js is a jQuery plugin for building int... Télécharger
openh323(sfnet) OpenH323 This project has been superseded by OpalVoip (h... Télécharger
csql(sfnet) CSQL Main Memory Database / Cache CSQL - suite of three products, embedded relati... Télécharger
python-sybase(sfnet) Sybase module for Python This Sybase module provides a Python interface ... Télécharger

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