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Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
cryptowizard(freshmeat) Cryptowizard Cryptowizard is a script to create a partition ... Télécharger
drools(freshmeat) Drools Drools is a Rete-based rules engine written in ... Télécharger
phpwebfilemanager(freshmeat) phpWebFileManager phpWebFileManager is file management tool, writ... Télécharger
oss2jack(freshmeat) oss2jack oss2jack creates an OSS device which redirects ... Télécharger
15062004(freshmeat) jsfirewall jsfirewall is a firewall system for desktops PC... Télécharger
mazesmith(freshmeat) Mazesmith Mazesmith generates mazes that may be played th... Télécharger
var(freshmeat) OSSP var OSSP var is a flexible, full-featured, and fast... Télécharger
mobile-bookshelf(freshmeat) Mobile Bookshelf Mobile Bookshelf converts text file(s) to a MID... Télécharger
vcg_metro(freshmeat) VCG Metro Metro is a tool designed to evaluate the differ... Télécharger
cday(freshmeat) CDAY Calendar Almanac The CDAY Calendar Almanac displays historical a... Télécharger
phpobject(freshmeat) PHPObject PHPObject is an open source alternative to Flas... Télécharger
val(freshmeat) OSSP val OSSP val is a flexible name-to-value mapping li... Télécharger
imaptools(freshmeat) imap_tools imap_tools consists of three programs: imap_sea... Télécharger
xmlclean(freshmeat) XML Cleaner XML Cleaner is an XML filter and validator, sim... Télécharger
gweled(freshmeat) Gweled Gweled is a GNOME version of a popular game (fo... Télécharger
kiside(freshmeat) KIside KIside is a graphical tool for computing and di... Télécharger
cz2cz(freshmeat) cz2cz tools cz2cz tools is software for converting texts be... Télécharger
atmission(freshmeat) ATMission ATMission is a Linux live CD distribution that ... Télécharger
bhl(freshmeat) BHL BHL is an Emacs mode which enables you to conve... Télécharger
siteinvoice(freshmeat) SiteInvoice Account Manager SiteInvoice helps you manage your customer invo... Télécharger
flit(freshmeat) (F)PhotoLITography optics simulation application (F)PhotoLITography optics simulation applicatio... Télécharger
phpwebsheet(freshmeat) phpWebSheet phpWebSheet is a Web-based spreadsheet applicat... Télécharger
podfetch(freshmeat) PodFetch PodFetch utilizes the iPod's ability to store a... Télécharger
movieguide(freshmeat) Movie Guide Movie Guide is a custom channel for offline Web... Télécharger
compface(freshmeat) compface Compface provides utilities and a library for c... Télécharger
xmlbeansxx(freshmeat) xmlbeansxx Xmlbeansxx is a set of tools for binding XML to... Télécharger
segypy(freshmeat) SegyPY SegyPY includes M-files to read and write SEG-Y... Télécharger
qrt(freshmeat) QRT QRT is a track-based, real time sound mixing ... Télécharger
btmux(freshmeat) BattletechMUX Battletech MUX is an Internet based, real-time ... Télécharger
pysnippet(freshmeat) PySnippet PySnippet is a code snippet manager for any lan... Télécharger
pysctp(freshmeat) PySCTP PySCTP offers Python bindings for the SCTP tran... Télécharger
vislib(freshmeat) VisLib VisLib is a GTK application for visualizing, ed... Télécharger
osla(freshmeat) OSLA OSLA (Open Source Logistics System) is an open ... Télécharger
libqmsg(freshmeat) libqmsg libqmsg is a library that implements parts of t... Télécharger
monarch(freshmeat) GroundWork Monitor Architect GroundWork Monitor Architect (Monarch) is a Web... Télécharger
robotflow(freshmeat) RobotFlow RobotFlow is a mobile robotics tookit based on ... Télécharger
simplog(freshmeat) Simplog Simplog provides an easy way for users to add b... Télécharger
packeth(freshmeat) packETH packETH is a Linux GUI packet generator tool fo... Télécharger
appleseed(freshmeat) Appleseed Appleseed is a social networking software, simi... Télécharger
yafc(freshmeat) yafc Yafc is yet another FTP client which features a... Télécharger
sendpgpmail_cgi(freshmeat) sendPGPmail.cgi sendPGPMail.cgi is a small CGI script for sendi... Télécharger
aptcacher(freshmeat) apt-cacher apt-cacher is a CGI script which can be used by... Télécharger
buffyz(freshmeat) Buffy and Libbuffy Buffy displays a window with a summary of your ... Télécharger
adcensor(freshmeat) AdCensor Ad Censor is a Web proxy which filters out anno... Télécharger
epf(freshmeat) Mol's Easy PHP Framework Mol's Easy PHP Framework is a set of PHP 5 clas... Télécharger
transfodocbook(freshmeat) TransfoDocbook TransfoDocbook is an application that converts ... Télécharger
abiword(freshmeat) AbiWord AbiWord is a free word processing program simil... Télécharger
necessitas(freshmeat) Necessitas Necessitas is an Eclipse plug-in that adds a cl... Télécharger
kcachegrind(freshmeat) KCachegrind KCachegrind visualizes profiles of program runs... Télécharger
iselect(freshmeat) OSSP iselect OSSP iselect is an interactive line selection t... Télécharger
dupseek(freshmeat) Dupseek Dupseek finds and interactively removes duplica... Télécharger
truevision(freshmeat) Truevision Truevision is a 3D modeler designed for povray ... Télécharger
phpmywap(freshmeat) phpMyWAP phpMyWAP is a simple Web-based application that... Télécharger
abersim(freshmeat) AberSim AberSim makes use of the Motorola as11 assemble... Télécharger
cgi_trampoline(freshmeat) cgi_trampoline.c cgi_trampoline.c is a parametric C program whic... Télécharger
phpcodebuster(freshmeat) PhpCodeBuster PhpCodeBuster is a PHP class to obfuscate your ... Télécharger
archzoom(freshmeat) ArchZoom ArchZoom is a Web-based browser for the GNU Arc... Télécharger
archway(freshmeat) ArchWay ArchWay is a full-featured graphical user inter... Télécharger
axp(freshmeat) AXP AXP stands for Arch eXtension Platform. It feat... Télécharger
nodoze(freshmeat) nodoze nodoze is a Perl script to repair websites buil... Télécharger
linux-libc-headers(freshmeat) linux-libc-headers linux-libc-headers is a set of Linux kernel hea... Télécharger
apt-mirror(freshmeat) Apt-Mirror Apt-Mirror is a small tool that provides the ab... Télécharger
netmonitor(freshmeat) Netmonitor Netmonitor is a console application that monito... Télécharger
laughman(freshmeat) Laughing Man Laughing Man is an application that detects if ... Télécharger
base-php(freshmeat) Basic Analysis and Security Engine BASE is the Basic Analysis and Security Engine.... Télécharger
pdf417_encode(freshmeat) pdf417_encode pdf417_encode converts ASCII strings into pdf41... Télécharger
astbill-live-cd(freshmeat) AstBill Live CD AstBill Live CD is a live CD distribution with ... Télécharger
ruqueue(freshmeat) ruQueue ruQueue is Rutgers University's queue-based pro... Télécharger
ivatagroupware(freshmeat) ivata groupware ivata groupware is a groupware/intranet portal ... Télécharger
openvmps(freshmeat) OpenVMPS OpenVMPS implements a Cisco switch-compatible V... Télécharger
tagit(freshmeat) TagIt TagIt is a mock object-based library for unit t... Télécharger
qmrtg(freshmeat) qmrtg Qmrtg is a modular tool to help monitoring the ... Télécharger
tunequeue(freshmeat) tunequeue tunequeue is a Web based Internet radio station... Télécharger
yaucp(freshmeat) YAuCP YAuCP is a collection of tools for uC (micro-co... Télécharger
slackselect(freshmeat) slackselect Slackselect is a package manager for Slackware ... Télécharger
kta(freshmeat) The Kava Telnet Application The Kava Telnet Application is complete telnet ... Télécharger
jarida(freshmeat) Jarida Jarida is a blogging software that has been tra... Télécharger
xexec(freshmeat) xexec xexec is a client/server system to locate a pro... Télécharger
dbox2tradio(freshmeat) dbox2Tradio dbox2Tradio allows you to listen to radio and w... Télécharger
zoom(freshmeat) Zoom Zoom is an interpreter for Z-Code adventures, s... Télécharger
libcvs(freshmeat) LibCVS Perl LibCVS Perl simplifies the job of writing tools... Télécharger
cl-ipc(freshmeat) CL-IPC CL-IPC provides Common Lisp programs with acces... Télécharger
sa(freshmeat) OSSP sa OSSP sa is an abstraction library for the Unix ... Télécharger
lmtp2nntp(freshmeat) OSSP lmtp2nntp OSSP lmtp2nntp is an LMTP service for use in co... Télécharger
al(freshmeat) OSSP al OSSP al defines an abstract data type of a data... Télécharger
sio(freshmeat) OSSP sio OSSP sio is an I/O abstraction library for laye... Télécharger
coc(freshmeat) CoC Character Generator CoC is a character generator for Call of Cthulh... Télécharger
ciberia(freshmeat) Ciberia Content Federator Ciberia is a free blog aggregator, or content f... Télécharger
ehomeconfig(freshmeat) eHomeConfigurator eHomeConfigurator is a set of tools and an envi... Télécharger
divmod_xapwrap(freshmeat) Xapwrap Xapwrap provides an improved interface to the X... Télécharger
simg(freshmeat) SImg SImg is a software for astronomical image proce... Télécharger
narcisse81(freshmeat) Narcisse81 Narcisse81 is a graphical frontend for Diogene8... Télécharger
xephyrus-datastructs(freshmeat) Xephyrus Data Structures Tag Library The Xephyrus Data Structures Tag Library provid... Télécharger
hotelbuster(freshmeat) Hotelbuster Hotelbuster is a tile-based, turn-based strate... Télécharger
cocoaiaxping(freshmeat) Cocoa IAX Ping Cocoa IAX Ping is a tool for checking if firewa... Télécharger
mkpkg(freshmeat) mkpkg mkpkg is a small toolkit for automatically buil... Télécharger
shorturl(freshmeat) ShortURL ShortURL shortens URLs using different Web serv... Télécharger
groff(freshmeat) Groff The Groff package contains the traditional UN*X... Télécharger
vdowall(freshmeat) VDOWall VDOWall is an application which allows you to c... Télécharger
nobel(freshmeat) nobel nobel is a small ANSI C boolean expression pars... Télécharger

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