Logiciel Télécharger Carte Project List (36101 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
cpuinfo(sfnet) CPUInfo A simple library aimed at determining CPU featu... Télécharger
vnaccount(sfnet) Vietnamese Chart Of Accounts Vietnamese Chart Of Accounts v. 2.50a for OB Télécharger
hessianphp(sfnet) hessianphp Implementation of the Hessian binary protocol f... Télécharger
datalog(sfnet) datalog The Datalog package contains a lightweight dedu... Télécharger
hscp(sfnet) HSCP HSCP (Hybrid scp) is developing to transmit the... Télécharger
lush(freshmeat) Lush Lush is a Lisp dialect with extensions for obje... Télécharger
popword(freshmeat) popword Pop Words is an application that logs text of i... Télécharger
jpcx(freshmeat) JPCX JPCX is a Java package that provides a way to e... Télécharger
minig(freshmeat) MiniG MiniG (Mini Gmail) is an AJAX Webmail for the O... Télécharger
gpdftext(freshmeat) gpdftext gPDFText is a text editor that opens PDF docume... Télécharger
cryptkeeper(freshmeat) Cryptkeeper Cryptkeeper is a FreeDesktop.org (KDE, Gnome, X... Télécharger
config-dhcpd(freshmeat) config-dhcpd config-dhcpd is a graphical DHCP daemon configu... Télécharger
check_multi(freshmeat) check_multi check_multi is kind of a Nagios wrapper plugin ... Télécharger
pathvisio(freshmeat) PathVisio PathVisio is a bioinformatics tool that lets yo... Télécharger
comos(sfnet) Fernando's Corner @ SF This was originally an OSdev group, but since a... Télécharger
vacation(sfnet) Vacation Mail Responder This is the port of the 386bsd vacation program... Télécharger
joafip(sfnet) joafip Make java data object persistent in file system... Télécharger
rtl-lwip(sfnet) RTL-lwIP RTL-lwIP is the porting of the lwIP TCP/IP s... Télécharger
freecs(sfnet) free chat-server A chatserver written in Java (1.4+ nio used her... Télécharger
openecp(sfnet) OpenECP: Open Elastic Computing Platform OpenECP is an open source fork of the Enomaly E... Télécharger
sjfilemanager(sfnet) sjfilemanager sjFilemanager - open source ajax filemanager ba... Télécharger
pupnp(sfnet) Portable UPnP SDK The portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK... Télécharger
bertos(freshmeat) BeRTOS BeRTOS is a real time operating system (RTOS) s... Télécharger
datecalcxs(freshmeat) Date::Calc::XS Date::Calc::XS is a Perl module that is the C/X... Télécharger
datepcalc(freshmeat) Date::Pcalc The Date::Pcalc Perl module is a direct transla... Télécharger
ccnx(freshmeat) CCNx CCNx is a networking system which replaces name... Télécharger
dbd-sqlite(freshmeat) DBD-SQLite DBD::SQLite is a Perl DBI driver for SQLite tha... Télécharger
la-distribution(freshmeat) La Distribution La Distribution's mission is to distribute Web ... Télécharger
ovpn-py(freshmeat) ovpn-py ovpn-py is a plugin embedding Python into OpenV... Télécharger
carpclan(freshmeat) Carp::Clan Carp::Clan is a module that reports errors from... Télécharger
apicaller(freshmeat) APIcaller APIcaller is a class that helps you to build AP... Télécharger
weirdx(sfnet) WeirdX WeirdX is a pure Java X Window System server. Télécharger
addonpack(sfnet) addonPack for mIRC addonPack for mIRC. Scripting. Télécharger
shervinemami(sfnet) shervinemami File Host and Sample Code for Shervin Emami's w... Télécharger
kbuild(sfnet) kbuild - Linux Kernel Build (Archive) This project has moved to: http://vger.kernel.o... Télécharger
teamwork(sfnet) teamwork Teamwork is an integrated, web based work manag... Télécharger
gpxe(freshmeat) gPXE gPXE is a network bootloader. It provides a dir... Télécharger
jpype(sfnet) JPype JPype is an effort to allow python programs ful... Télécharger
clutterflow(sfnet) clutterflow ClutterFlow is a CoverFlow clone for the Banshe... Télécharger
dcrawnet(sfnet) dcrawnet Port of dcraw to C#. Thanks for Dave Coffin the... Télécharger
stealth(sfnet) Stealthy File Integrity Checker Stealth (SSH-based Trust Enhancement Acquired t... Télécharger
mimodynedla(sfnet) mimodynedla Jarvis is a digital life assistant, based in th... Télécharger
whdd(freshmeat) whdd WHDD is a HDD diagnostic and data recovery tool... Télécharger
vim2html(freshmeat) vim2html vim2html is a small program that will export an... Télécharger
django-userthemes(freshmeat) django-userthemes django-userthemes is a simple application that ... Télécharger
oauth-lite(freshmeat) OAuth-Lite OAuth-Lite is a framework that allows you to ma... Télécharger
ormaxxfonts(freshmeat) Ormaxx Fonts for X Ormaxx Fonts is a collection of ISO 8859-1 and ... Télécharger
metric-plus-plus(freshmeat) MetriC++ MetriC++ is a Sonar plugin and a "MetricsA... Télécharger
sched_deadline(freshmeat) SCHED_DEADLINE SCHED_DEADLINE is an implementation of a new sc... Télécharger
opendarkengine(freshmeat) openDarkEngine openDarkEngine is a from-scratch rewrite of the... Télécharger
crabgrass(freshmeat) Crabgrass Crabgrass is social networking, group collabora... Télécharger
mnemonicfs(freshmeat) MnemonicFS MnemonicFS is an information filing system with... Télécharger
midcom(freshmeat) MidCOM MidCOM, the Midgard Components Framework, is an... Télécharger
datalocations(freshmeat) Data::Locations Data::Locations is a virtual file manager which... Télécharger
ergodatagrid(freshmeat) ErgoDataGrid basic ErgoDataGrid is a PHP datagrid for Web and B2B ... Télécharger
niocchi(freshmeat) Niocchi Niocchi is a Java crawler library implementing ... Télécharger
safiworkshop(freshmeat) SafiWorkshop SafiWorkshop allows you to design, test, debug,... Télécharger
mostvd(freshmeat) MOStvd MOStvd will be middleware for Brazilian digital... Télécharger
leeenux-linux(freshmeat) Leeenux Linux Leeenux is a complete netbook Linux distributio... Télécharger
publish(freshmeat) publish Publish is a relatively simple bash script for ... Télécharger
hados(freshmeat) Hados Hados stores files in a cluster of servers. It... Télécharger
ucosiiilwst32f2(sfnet) uCOS-III and LwIP1.4.0 port to STM32F2XX The embedded project of integration uCOS-III an... Télécharger
phpmorphy(sfnet) phpMorphy phpMorphy is morphological analyzer library wri... Télécharger
php2openbravo(sfnet) Openbravo PHP client library A PHP class for using Openbravo's REST web serv... Télécharger
java-gnome(sfnet) The java-gnome language bindings project java-gnome is a set of Java bindings for the GT... Télécharger
lshw(freshmeat) Hardware lister lshw (HardWare LiSter) is a small tool for Linu... Télécharger
odtbx(sfnet) Orbit Determination Toolbox (ODTBX) The Orbit Determination Toolbox (ODTBX) is deve... Télécharger
pydza(freshmeat) Pydza Pydza is a platform game with a fun gameplay an... Télécharger
nanoserv(freshmeat) nanoserv Nanoserv is a sockets daemon toolkit for PHP 5.... Télécharger
soapjs(freshmeat) SOAPjs SOAPjs parses WSDL files and creates methods so... Télécharger
deadatagrid(freshmeat) dea datagrid dea datagrid is an AJAX data grid with sorting,... Télécharger
proftpd(freshmeat) ProFTPD ProFTPD is a proven, high-performance, scalable... Télécharger
django-cms(freshmeat) django CMS django CMS is a content management system based... Télécharger
loadcsv(freshmeat) loadcsv loadcsv is a small utility to load data from CS... Télécharger
cbl2pg(freshmeat) cbl2pg cbl2pg is a library to connect Cobol programs t... Télécharger
oww(freshmeat) One-Wire Weather Oww (One-Wire Weather) is a client program for ... Télécharger
uproxy(freshmeat) UProxy UProxy is a proxy for UDP protocols. UProxy was... Télécharger
scott(freshmeat) scott SCOTT is a toolkit aimed to support the automat... Télécharger
chartviz(freshmeat) chartviz Chartviz is a JavaScript library for charting a... Télécharger
ehcp(freshmeat) Easy Hosting Control Panel for Ubuntu Easy Hosting Control Panel for Ubuntu is design... Télécharger
libtisch(freshmeat) libTISCH libTISCH is a framework for easy development of... Télécharger
pfloghtml(freshmeat) pfloghtml pfloghtml is a simple and quick log parsing pro... Télécharger
tinymce(freshmeat) TinyMCE TinyMCE is a platform-independent, Web-based, J... Télécharger
aviation-2(freshmeat) Aviation Aviation is a flight simulator meant to be some... Télécharger
m23(sfnet) m23 m23 is a free software distribution system (lic... Télécharger
openleave(sfnet) openleave Open Leave Administration is a simple and strai... Télécharger
freereport(sfnet) FreeReport FreeReport - is an attempt to continue FastRepo... Télécharger
gnuwin32(sfnet) GnuWin GnuWin provides Win32-versions of GNU tools, or... Télécharger
tpccruner(sfnet) TPCCRuner TPCCRunner is a TPC-C Like workload generator, ... Télécharger
ftpmark(sfnet) ftpMark Python test tool to run FTP performance tests o... Télécharger
sevenzcracker(sfnet) sevenzcracker Did you ever forget the password of your 7z arc... Télécharger
domstrasim(sfnet) Dominion-Strategie-Simulator Version 1: single player, test best strategies ... Télécharger
transproxy(sfnet) Transparent HTTP Proxy Transproxy is used in conjunction with the Free... Télécharger
achievo(freshmeat) Achievo Achievo is a Web-based project management and t... Télécharger
mapslipper-toolkit(freshmeat) MapSlipper Toolkit MapSlipper Toolkit is a collection of Perl scri... Télécharger
luckytubes(freshmeat) LuckyTubes LuckyTubes is a command-line utility to find, d... Télécharger
svn2log(freshmeat) SVN2Log SVN2Log automatically generates changelogs from... Télécharger
print-release-system(freshmeat) Print Release System Print Release System provides Web-based managem... Télécharger
pyx11remote(freshmeat) PyX11Remote PyX11Remote is an Xlib based X11 remote control... Télécharger
mkdoc-2(freshmeat) mkdoc MkDoc is a C and C++ code documentation tool. I... Télécharger

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