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Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
minit(freshmeat) minit minit is an attempt to cross-breed DJ Bernstein... Télécharger
guru4self(freshmeat) Guru for SELF Given a collection of Self objects, Guru produc... Télécharger
condenser(freshmeat) Condenser Condenser is a tool for finding and removing du... Télécharger
doclite(freshmeat) DocLite DocLite is a simple documentation authoring sys... Télécharger
khttrack(freshmeat) Khttrack Khttrack is a easy-to-use offline browser utili... Télécharger
stmpclean(freshmeat) stmpclean The stmpclean utility removes old files (and ol... Télécharger
pdba(freshmeat) Perl Database Admin pDBAdmin is a Web-based administration tool for... Télécharger
passcheck(freshmeat) Passcheck Passcheck is a drop-in replacement or rewrite o... Télécharger
partyfish(freshmeat) Partyfish Partyfish is a content managment system with ma... Télécharger
charlemagne(freshmeat) Charlemagne Charlemagne is a versatile genetic programming ... Télécharger
2c(freshmeat) twocrypt twocrypt (2c) is a tool for the ultra-paranoid,... Télécharger
hffzip(freshmeat) HFFzip HFFzip is a file compressor for Linux and FreeB... Télécharger
talinux(freshmeat) TA-Linux TA-Linux is a Linux distribution that targets p... Télécharger
agt(freshmeat) AGT AGT is a powerful console frontend to iptables,... Télécharger
atr3d(freshmeat) Avoid The Roid 3D Avoid The Roid 3D is a 3D asteroids-like multip... Télécharger
naamah(freshmeat) Naamah Naamah is a Web application that stores the ID... Télécharger
konspire2b(freshmeat) konspire2b konspire2b is a content distribution system tha... Télécharger
termim(freshmeat) Termim Termim is an input method system for Unix syste... Télécharger
series(freshmeat) series A series is a data structure much like a sequen... Télécharger
voodoopm(freshmeat) Voodoo Package Manager Voodoo Package Manager is a package manager tha... Télécharger
inline_smtp(freshmeat) inline_smtp The inline_smtp Perl script was created to allo... Télécharger
satellitarium(freshmeat) Satellitarium Satellitarium is a graphical application that c... Télécharger
vsdb(freshmeat) VSDB VSDB is an experimental database based on atomi... Télécharger
ssltunnel(freshmeat) ssltunnel.pl ssltunnel.pl is an SSL tunnelling script that s... Télécharger
sdlpong(freshmeat) SDLPong SDLPong is a Pong clone that is intended to fee... Télécharger
dbmjui(freshmeat) dbmjui DMBJUI is an attempt to clone DBMGUI, the datab... Télécharger
jife(freshmeat) Jife Jife is a spell checking IRC robot written in J... Télécharger
rteq(freshmeat) rtEq rtEq is a realtime 31-band equalizer. It suppor... Télécharger
bluedot(freshmeat) Blue dot Blue dot is a CGI tracking and Web site activit... Télécharger
rssmixtape(freshmeat) RSS Mix Tape RSS Mix Tape reads items from specified RSS fe... Télécharger
rscode(freshmeat) RSCode RSCode is a Reed-Solomon error-correcting encod... Télécharger
nuxdocument(freshmeat) NuxDocument NuxDocument is a Zope product that represents g... Télécharger
blocks3d(freshmeat) Blocks 3D Blocks 3D is yet another 3D puzzle game that re... Télécharger
jpublish(freshmeat) JPublish JPublish is a powerful Web publishing system de... Télécharger
spyimage(freshmeat) SpyImage SpyImage is a PHP script that creates a real-ti... Télécharger
comiccollection(freshmeat) Comic Collection Comic Collection is a Java (AWT) application to... Télécharger
camlserv(freshmeat) Camlserv Camlserv is a lightweight Web server written in... Télécharger
ichatexporter(freshmeat) iChatExporter iChatExporter extends functionality in iChat so... Télécharger
proforma(freshmeat) Pro Forma Pro Forma is a GUI tool that lets you fill out ... Télécharger
ismo(freshmeat) Ismo Ismo is a Web application framework and applica... Télécharger
encompass(freshmeat) Encompass Encompass is a Web browser for GNOME. It uses t... Télécharger
rspf(freshmeat) Radio Shortest Path First Radio Shortest Path First (RSPF) is a routing p... Télécharger
idsr(freshmeat) Insignia Dynamic Source Routing Dynamic Source Routing is one of the protocols ... Télécharger
cdsr(freshmeat) Click Dynamic Source Router Project The Click Dynamic Source Router Project provide... Télécharger
jogone(freshmeat) JOgone JOgone is a Java interface to Ogone, which prov... Télécharger
wxupx(freshmeat) wxUpx wxUPX is an integrated GUI for UPX. It is able ... Télécharger
treebeard_fm(freshmeat) Treebeard/Fangorn Treebeard is an XSLT IDE that allows you to loa... Télécharger
gmencoder(freshmeat) gmencoder Gmencoder is a GNOME 2 frontend to mencoder. It... Télécharger
eqemul(freshmeat) EQEmu The EQEMU project is an attempt to recreate the... Télécharger
mmxmpcr(freshmeat) mmxmpcr MMXMPCR is a kernel module and commandline prog... Télécharger
errconv(freshmeat) Error Class Converter This is an Error Class Generator. It inputs a t... Télécharger
libvc(freshmeat) Libvc Libvc is a vCard library which was written usin... Télécharger
toplight(freshmeat) TopLight TopLight is designed to aid lighting designers ... Télécharger
tecp(freshmeat) Tutorial Environment for Cryptographic Protocols Tutorial Environment for Cryptographic Protocol... Télécharger
wxbase(freshmeat) wxBase wxBase contains most of the non-GUI classes fro... Télécharger
code6(freshmeat) Code 6 Code 6 is a very powerful assortment of error-c... Télécharger
goszifox(freshmeat) goszifox goszifox is a graphical display for the Wittig ... Télécharger
webtester(freshmeat) webtester Webtester is an application which is intended t... Télécharger
mystats(freshmeat) myStats myStats is a full statistics system for Web sit... Télécharger
stonesthrow(freshmeat) Stone's Throw Stone's Throw is a clone of the arcade classic ... Télécharger
ro-client(freshmeat) Ragnarok Online Client Ragnarok Online Client is a client to the Ragna... Télécharger
imagearchive(freshmeat) ImageArchive ImageArchive is a PHP class for browsing images... Télécharger
tmip(freshmeat) Transparent Mobile IP Transparent Mobile IP (TMip) aims to provide IP... Télécharger
myperl(freshmeat) myperl myperl allows you to execute Perl from inside o... Télécharger
ircbotnet(freshmeat) IRC BotNET BotNET is an IRC bot that has two modes: stand-... Télécharger
parasite(freshmeat) Parasite Parasite is a PHP PEAR::DB-based blogger with s... Télécharger
alcolix(freshmeat) alcolix alcolix is a minimal Linux rescue distribution ... Télécharger
mmsdiary(freshmeat) MMS Diary MMS Diary is a mobile phone weblog/diary for us... Télécharger
cage(freshmeat) cage cage is a replacement for the chroot(8) utility... Télécharger
mimic(freshmeat) mimic mimic is a server that mimics Internet servers.... Télécharger
favorintime(freshmeat) Favorin Time Favorin Time is a client-server group calendar ... Télécharger
wyform(freshmeat) WyForm WyForm is a Web interface to generate HTML form... Télécharger
dsh(freshmeat) dsh dsh (the distributed shell) is a program which ... Télécharger
zonemaster(freshmeat) ZoneMaster ZoneMaster is a tool for zone file and name ser... Télécharger
tepatche(freshmeat) Tepatche Tepatche is a patch management system for OpenB... Télécharger
pypov(freshmeat) PyPov PyPov is a relatively simple Python framework f... Télécharger
jcalc(freshmeat) JCalc JCalc is a Java applet that functions as an exp... Télécharger
serialsnoop(freshmeat) serialsnoop serialsnoop is a simple command-line tool for L... Télécharger
hbc(freshmeat) The Chalmers Haskell-B Compiler The Chalmers Haskell-B compiler implements full... Télécharger
dsurvey(freshmeat) Doug's Impromptu Survey dsurvey (Doug's Impromptu Survey) is a quick, d... Télécharger
efes(freshmeat) Efes The Efes hardware recognition and certification... Télécharger
uplog(freshmeat) UDP Ping Logger Uplog is an UDP-based ping program that gives a... Télécharger
xmlrpccs(freshmeat) XmlRpcCS XmlRpcCS is a simple XML-RPC client and server ... Télécharger
p-run(freshmeat) p-run p-run is a utility that runs a program, script,... Télécharger
php_tree(freshmeat) php_tree php_tree is a class that supplies raw functions... Télécharger
phptasks(freshmeat) phpTasks phpTasks is a multiuser task and ticket managem... Télécharger
db4ointerface(freshmeat) db4oInterface With this library users can easily develop GUIs... Télécharger
gigsaw(freshmeat) Gigsaw Gigsaw is a jigsaw puzzle game in Gtk+. Télécharger
quickalbum(freshmeat) Quick Album Quick Album is a Kylix-based Wizard which takes... Télécharger
cwtext(freshmeat) cwtext cwtext converts ASCII streams in stdin to ASCII... Télécharger
sherlog(freshmeat) Sherlog Sherlog analyzes the logs of your Website, and ... Télécharger
libflog(freshmeat) libflog libflog is a simple file-based event logging li... Télécharger
vcr(freshmeat) vcr VCR enables you to record TV programs using a v... Télécharger
mobilerpc(freshmeat) MobileRPC MobileRPC is a tool that generates all of the ... Télécharger
ffrenzy(freshmeat) Feeding Frenzy! Feeding Frenzy! is a distributed network game f... Télécharger
mail2nntp(freshmeat) mail2nntp mail2nntp is a bridge from the email realm to t... Télécharger
traffic-vis(freshmeat) traffic-vis traffic-vis is a suite of tools to help determi... Télécharger
jpatch(freshmeat) JPatch JPatch is an amazing 3D Modeling/Animation tool... Télécharger
dtd2xs(freshmeat) DTD to XML Schema translator DTD to XML Schema translator lets you translate... Télécharger
mapagi(freshmeat) Mapagi Mapagi is a pagination utility that prints your... Télécharger

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