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Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
sydebar(freshmeat) Sydebar Sydebar is a browser sidebar generator for Pyth... Télécharger
thwack(freshmeat) thwack thwack is a typesetter that takes troff input a... Télécharger
opencgf(freshmeat) open-cgf open-cgf provides a 3GPP-compliant charging gat... Télécharger
musiql(freshmeat) Musiql Musiql is a command-line front-end to MPlayer t... Télécharger
speedcrunch(freshmeat) SpeedCrunch SpeedCrunch is a fast and compact calculator. I... Télécharger
mediacontrol(freshmeat) mediacontrol mediacontrol can control MPD and MPlayer in ord... Télécharger
yeti(freshmeat) Yeti programming language Yeti is a functional ML-style programming langu... Télécharger
pornotube-dl(freshmeat) pornotube-dl pornotube-dl is a small command line program fo... Télécharger
fura(freshmeat) Fura Fura is a self-contained grid middleware that a... Télécharger
hamsterdb-python(freshmeat) hamsterdb-python hamsterdb-python is a Python wrapper for the ha... Télécharger
sqleonardo(freshmeat) SQLeonardo SQleonardo is a powerful and easy-to-use GUI th... Télécharger
ship(freshmeat) Stylus Handwriting Input Panel The Stylus/Handwriting Input Panel (SHIP) is a ... Télécharger
boneyard(freshmeat) Boneyard Boneyard uses plain text files to fill in boile... Télécharger
authd(freshmeat) authd authd is a software package for obtaining and v... Télécharger
caltech-pcp(freshmeat) PCP: Fast Cluster File Replication PCP is a system for replicating files on multip... Télécharger
caltech-gexec(freshmeat) GEXEC: Scalable Cluster Remote Execution System GEXEC is a scalable cluster remote execution sy... Télécharger
logsmith(freshmeat) Logsmith Logsmith is an extendable framework for process... Télécharger
hamsterdb-java(freshmeat) hamsterdb-java hamsterdb-java is a Java wrapper for the hamste... Télécharger
bitnamiknowledgetree(freshmeat) BitNami KnowledgeTree Stack BitNami KnowledgeTree Stack is an easy-to-insta... Télécharger
f2f(freshmeat) Friend-to-Friend (F2F) Computing Friend to Friend (F2F) Computing is a new parad... Télécharger
gnuclasspath(freshmeat) GNU Classpath GNU Classpath (essential libraries for Java) is... Télécharger
logtools(freshmeat) logtools logtools is a collection of tools to merge, sor... Télécharger
phpvideotoolbox(freshmeat) PHP Video Toolbox PHP Video Toolbox is a PHP class that wraps aro... Télécharger
openmailadmin(freshmeat) Openmailadmin Openmailadmin is a little administration interf... Télécharger
maildir-bulletin(freshmeat) maildir-bulletin maildir-bulletin takes a message on standard in... Télécharger
erlswf(freshmeat) erlswf erlswf provides erlang modules for SWF disassem... Télécharger
ctl(freshmeat) Complex Text Layout support for Open Motif The Complex Text Layout technology enables the ... Télécharger
log4sendpp(freshmeat) log4sendpp log4sendpp aims to provide a minimalistic C++ c... Télécharger
clqr(freshmeat) Common Lisp Quick Reference Common Lisp Quick Reference is a booklet with s... Télécharger
supershow(freshmeat) SuperShow SuperShow is a program to create Adobe Flash fi... Télécharger
hom(freshmeat) House of Mirrors House Of Mirrors (HoM) is a logic game inspired... Télécharger
solartron-onr(freshmeat) Solartron Orbit Network Reader Solartron Orbit Network Reader is a cross-platf... Télécharger
nnfw(freshmeat) Neural Network Framework Neural Network Framework is a C++ framework to ... Télécharger
apr(freshmeat) Apache Portable Runtime The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (AP... Télécharger
cmotech-tools(freshmeat) cmotech-tools cmotech-tools is a set of tools for using C-mot... Télécharger
rpcemu(freshmeat) rpcemu RPCEmu is a dynamic recompiling (JIT) emulator ... Télécharger
ebook-tools(freshmeat) ebook-tools ebook-tools provides tools for accessing and co... Télécharger
grcm(freshmeat) GNOME Remote Connection Manager grcm (GNOME Remote Connection Manager) is a hig... Télécharger
ppc(freshmeat) ppc ppc is an E-MU Planet Phatt/Orbit/Carnaval remo... Télécharger
restless(freshmeat) Restless Restless is yet-another lightweight markup proc... Télécharger
chmreader(freshmeat) CHM Reader CHM Reader is an extension to allow Firefox to ... Télécharger
orarep(freshmeat) OraRep OraRep is a PL/SQL snippet (embedded in a shell... Télécharger
cellwriter(freshmeat) CellWriter CellWriter is a grid-entry natural handwriting ... Télécharger
infonomix(freshmeat) Infonomix Infonomix is a project management system simila... Télécharger
scan(freshmeat) SCAN SCAN is a personal information retrieval framew... Télécharger
doapfiend(freshmeat) Doapfiend Doapfiend is a command line client and Python l... Télécharger
bind-dlz-on-rails(freshmeat) BIND DLZ on Rails Bind DLZ on Rails is a Web-based user interface... Télécharger
offsystem(freshmeat) OFFSystem OFFSystem is a P2P-based online storage system.... Télécharger
babelize(freshmeat) Babelize Babelize is a collection of localizations for L... Télécharger
linuxgt(freshmeat) LinuxGT LinuxGT is a complete GNU/Linux operating syste... Télécharger
iugeneindex(freshmeat) Indiana University GeneIndex Indiana University GeneIndex finds frequencies ... Télécharger
gettext-stub(freshmeat) gettext-stub gettext-stub is a little stub that can be used ... Télécharger
smbl(freshmeat) Simple Message Brokering Library The Simple Message Brokering Library (SMBL) is ... Télécharger
netdb(freshmeat) Stanford NetDB NetDB is a suite of applications for managing D... Télécharger
cslh(freshmeat) Crafty Syntax Live Help Crafty Syntax Live Help is a live help support ... Télécharger
damnsmalllinux(freshmeat) Damn Small Linux Damn Small Linux is a business-card size (50MB)... Télécharger
swtjasperviewer(freshmeat) SWTJasperViewer SWTJasperViewer is a JasperReports viewer compo... Télécharger
rcache(freshmeat) rcache rcache is a Java library that provides a collec... Télécharger
scaletempo(freshmeat) ScaleTempo ScaleTempo is a set of patches and plugins for ... Télécharger
nconv(freshmeat) nconv nconv is a small tool that allows one to conver... Télécharger
dtmf2num(freshmeat) DTMF2NUM DTMF2NUM is a tool for decoding DTMF and MF ton... Télécharger
ookuwagata(freshmeat) Ookuwagata Ookuwagata is a minimalistic PHP framework that... Télécharger
kmlcreator(freshmeat) KML Creator KMLCreator is a PHP class for creating KML file... Télécharger
idok(freshmeat) iDok iDok is a document management system which prov... Télécharger
mp3_management(freshmeat) MP3 Management MP3 Management can be used to build a catalog o... Télécharger
ipy(freshmeat) IPy IPy is a Python class and tools for handling IP... Télécharger
step-shell(freshmeat) step-shell step-shell is a minimalistic shell script debug... Télécharger
mailquotad(freshmeat) mailquotad maildirquotad is used in conjunction with exim.... Télécharger
ftgl(freshmeat) FTGL FTGL is a font rendering library for OpenGL app... Télécharger
previews-reader(freshmeat) Previews Reader Previews Reader is a GNOME interface for readin... Télécharger
spamassassin(freshmeat) Apache SpamAssassin Apache SpamAssassin is an extensible email filt... Télécharger
xsock(freshmeat) XSockets XSockets is an open, lightweight, and highly po... Télécharger
geclipse(freshmeat) g-Eclipse g-Eclipse is a framework that allows users and ... Télécharger
ramlog(freshmeat) ramlog ramlog acts as a system daemon that maintains l... Télécharger
cuelib(freshmeat) cuelib Cuelib is a Java library for manipulating and o... Télécharger
alienbuild(freshmeat) alienbuild Alienbuild is a multi-threaded cross-platform b... Télécharger
jack4j(freshmeat) Jack4j Jack4j is a Java library that allows the progra... Télécharger
tnfox(freshmeat) TnFOX TnFOX is a modern secure, robust, multithreaded... Télécharger
itmill-toolkit(freshmeat) IT Mill Toolkit IT Mill Toolkit is a server-side RIA (Rich Inte... Télécharger
natmonitor(freshmeat) NAT Monitor NAT Monitor is a tool to monitor hosts' bandwid... Télécharger
ctrlproxy(freshmeat) ctrlproxy ctrlproxy is an IRC server with multiserver sup... Télécharger
greycstoration(freshmeat) GREYCstoration GREYCstoration is an image regularization algo... Télécharger
rlog(freshmeat) RLog RLog provides a flexible message logging facili... Télécharger
txopenid(freshmeat) txOpenID txOpenID is an implementation of the OpenID Ide... Télécharger
gdmap(freshmeat) GdMap GdMap is a tool which allows you to visualize d... Télécharger
vendettamanager(freshmeat) Vendetta Manager Vendetta Manager is a Web-based tool for the br... Télécharger
fountain3d(freshmeat) Fountain 3D Fountain 3D is a little J2ME toy and a technolo... Télécharger
jbosscommonj(freshmeat) Jboss Commonj Service The JBoss Commonj Service is an mbean based on ... Télécharger
htcflasher(freshmeat) HTCFlasher HTCFlasher (formerly known as HERMflasher) is a... Télécharger
gridsql(freshmeat) GridSQL GridSQL is a shared-nothing clustered database ... Télécharger
linklauncher(freshmeat) Link Launcher Link Launcher is a GUI tool that helps you choo... Télécharger
dipc(freshmeat) Distributed Inter-Process Communications DIPC allows an application programmer to easily... Télécharger
libjhttpd(freshmeat) libjhttpd libjhttpd is a simple, HTTP/1.0 compliant, thre... Télécharger
qot(freshmeat) QOT QOT is a tool to generate optimal indexes for S... Télécharger
sirbot(freshmeat) The SirBot Project The SirBot Project provides an easy way to buil... Télécharger
mescaline(freshmeat) mescaline Mescaline is a PHP Web application and framewor... Télécharger
htpasswd_editor(freshmeat) Htpasswd Editor Htpasswd Editor provides a text user interface ... Télécharger
cddetect(freshmeat) cddetect cddetect detects the types of CDs and DVDs with... Télécharger
iupfastdnaml(freshmeat) IU Parallel FastDNAML IU parallel fastDNAml is a program that infers ... Télécharger
iupubsonline(freshmeat) Indiana University PubsOnline Indiana University PubsOnline is a tool for the... Télécharger

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