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Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
ape-testbed(freshmeat) Ad hoc Protocol Evaluation testbed The Ad hoc Protocol Evaluation testbed is a sm... Télécharger
extace(freshmeat) eXtace eXtace is a visual sound display/analysis progr... Télécharger
umolsr(freshmeat) UM-OLSR UM-OLSR is an implementation of the OLSR (Optim... Télécharger
mrd6(freshmeat) mrd6 mrd6 is a modular IPv6 multicast routing daemon... Télécharger
optnik(freshmeat) Optnik Optnik is a CLR library to help with option par... Télécharger
greengrass(freshmeat) Greengrass Greengrass is a C# framework providing a high-l... Télécharger
papyrusbb(freshmeat) PapyrusBB PapyrusBB is a forum that was designed specific... Télécharger
jabberif(freshmeat) jabber interface jabber interface is a plugin-based Jabber inter... Télécharger
gandalf-library(freshmeat) Gandalf vision and numerical algorithm library Gandalf is a computer vision and numerical algo... Télécharger
plife1(sfnet) Programming Life This project help program biological logic circ... Télécharger
transterpreter(freshmeat) Transterpreter The Transterpreter is a small, portable runtime... Télécharger
getleft(freshmeat) Getleft Given a URL, Getleft will try to download all l... Télécharger
katoob(freshmeat) Katoob Katoob is a light-weight, multi lingual, BIDI-a... Télécharger
btsender(freshmeat) BluetoothSender BluetoothSender sends files over Bluetooth to p... Télécharger
backup-dvd(freshmeat) Backup-DVD Backup-DVD is a simple script to backup the ent... Télécharger
aceunit(freshmeat) AceUnit AceUnit (Advanced C and Embedded Unit) is a com... Télécharger
sampstack(freshmeat) BitNami SAMPStack BitNami SAMPStack is an easy-to-install, ready-... Télécharger
metashell(freshmeat) metashell metashell is a lightweight, heavy punch, intera... Télécharger
nsp(freshmeat) Nagios SNMP Plugins NET SNMP gives you the ability to watch disk sp... Télécharger
powernowd(freshmeat) PowerNowd PowerNowd is a simple client daemon for the Lin... Télécharger
segdecode(freshmeat) Segdecode Segdecode decodes segmentation fault codes for ... Télécharger
libetc(freshmeat) libetc libetc is an LD_PRELOAD-able shared library des... Télécharger
bakonf(freshmeat) bakonf bakonf is a tool for making backups of configur... Télécharger
mathmatrixreal(freshmeat) Math::MatrixReal Math::MatrixReal is a Perl module for manipulat... Télécharger
sshproxy(freshmeat) sshproxy sshproxy is a pure Python implementation of an ... Télécharger
parprouted(freshmeat) parprouted parprouted is a daemon for transparent IP (Laye... Télécharger
beatmover(freshmeat) Beatmover BeatMover is a downloader application for Beatp... Télécharger
bushsweeper(freshmeat) BushSweeper BushSweeper Game is a cross-platform clone of M... Télécharger
linguasos(freshmeat) Linguas OS Linguas OS is a Linux live CD that includes Ope... Télécharger
phk(freshmeat) PHK PHK is a library and application packager. It i... Télécharger
abl(freshmeat) ABL (Abstract Basic List) ABL (Abstract Basic List) is a flexible abstrac... Télécharger
ftphs(freshmeat) ftphs ftphs is an FTP client and server library for H... Télécharger
micro-manager(freshmeat) Micro-Manager Micro-Manager is a software package for microsc... Télécharger
midori(freshmeat) Midori Midori is a lightweight Web browser based on GT... Télécharger
mpe(freshmeat) MPI Parallel Environment MPI Parallel Environment (MPE) is a software pa... Télécharger
nsclspectcl(freshmeat) NSCL SpecTcl SpecTcl is a framework for data analysis of nuc... Télécharger
dep-analyzer(freshmeat) Dependency Analyzer Dependency Analyzer is a utility for graphicall... Télécharger
domingo(freshmeat) domingo Domingo is a simple, consistent, object-oriente... Télécharger
regmas(freshmeat) RegMAS RegMAS (Regional Multi Agent Simulator) is a sp... Télécharger
regexkit(freshmeat) RegexKit RegexKit is an Objective-C framework for regula... Télécharger
autoajax(freshmeat) Auto Ajax Auto Ajax is a PHP class that can be used to up... Télécharger
axis(freshmeat) Apache Axis Apache AXIS is an implementation of the "S... Télécharger
epydoc(freshmeat) Epydoc Epydoc is a tool for generating API documentati... Télécharger
gpicview(freshmeat) GPicView GPicView is a simple and fast image viewer with... Télécharger
file-rename-utils(freshmeat) File rename utils File rename utils are powerful bash utilities t... Télécharger
statsdawg(freshmeat) StatsDawg StatsDawg is a suite that has been designed to ... Télécharger
ihu(freshmeat) I Hear U IHU is a Voice over IP (VoIP) application that ... Télécharger
cheekymon(freshmeat) Cheeky Chess Monitor Cheeky Chess Monitor is a program to interface ... Télécharger
http-replicator(freshmeat) HTTP Replicator HTTP Replicator is a general purpose caching pr... Télécharger
bashcritic(freshmeat) bashcritic bashcritic is a tool to check bash scripts for ... Télécharger
vdec(freshmeat) vDEC vDEC is a discrete exterior calculus and geomet... Télécharger
yfklog(freshmeat) YFKlog YFKlog is a general purpose ham radio logbook f... Télécharger
esco(freshmeat) Esoteric Combine The primary aim of Esoteric Combine is the crea... Télécharger
sella_nms(freshmeat) Sella NMS Sella NMS was created to provide an extendable ... Télécharger
conspy(freshmeat) conspy Conspy allows a (possibly remote) user to see w... Télécharger
shezhu(freshmeat) Shezhu Resource Sharing System The Shezhu Resource Sharing System is an applic... Télécharger
stfufs(freshmeat) Simple TCP FUSE File System Simple TCP File System is a FUSE (Filesystem in... Télécharger
twoweelrobot(sfnet) twoWeelRobot Partage de notre project Robot 2 roues. Premiè... Télécharger
webical(freshmeat) Webical Webical is a Web application to view and edit m... Télécharger
smarteiffel(freshmeat) SmartEiffel SmartEiffel is the GNU Eiffel Compiler. It is i... Télécharger
fcca(freshmeat) Free Conquest and Colonization of America Free Conquest and Colonization of America is a ... Télécharger
udfng(freshmeat) External Language Stored Procedures for MySQL External Language Stored Procedures for MySQL i... Télécharger
uniconvertor(freshmeat) UniConvertor UniConvertor is a universal vector graphics tra... Télécharger
mpmpich(freshmeat) MP-MPICH MP-MICH is a Multi-platform uniform MPI impleme... Télécharger
lambdacan(freshmeat) LambdaCan LambdaCan is a small Lambda Calculus reducer (i... Télécharger
udunits(freshmeat) UDUNITS UDUNITS, the Unidata units C library, supports ... Télécharger
conc(freshmeat) conc Conc is a serial console concentrator for Linux... Télécharger
bongo(freshmeat) Bongo Project Bongo is an easy-to-use mail and calendar syste... Télécharger
javaemailserver(freshmeat) Java Email Server Java Email Server is a SMTP and POP3 email serv... Télécharger
webtap(freshmeat) Webtap Webtap is a small command line tool inspired by... Télécharger
phperlang(freshmeat) PHP/Erlang PHP/Erlang is a PHP extension with a simple set... Télécharger
sercon(freshmeat) Serial Console Serial Console (sc) is a minimal terminal progr... Télécharger
markdownify(freshmeat) Markdownify Markdownify is an HTML to Markdown converter wr... Télécharger
javeau(freshmeat) Javeau Javeau is a small tool meant to provide an easy... Télécharger
resolve(freshmeat) resolve resolve is a simple wrapper for the host comman... Télécharger
gnugrub(freshmeat) GNU GRUB GNU GRUB is a Multiboot loader. It was derived ... Télécharger
lpairs(freshmeat) LPairs LPairs is a classic memory game with the goal o... Télécharger
rsstool(freshmeat) rsstool rsstool is a tool to read, parse, merge, and wr... Télécharger
webspider(freshmeat) Web Spider Web Spider is a an application to download Web ... Télécharger
fr(freshmeat) Free Realty Free Realty is a PHP/MySQL set of scripts based... Télécharger
libnodave(freshmeat) libnodave Libnodave is a free library to connect to and e... Télécharger
gwcalc(freshmeat) wcalc-applet wcalc-applet is a simple calculator applet for ... Télécharger
opentf(freshmeat) Team Foundation for Mono Team Foundation for Mono is an implementation o... Télécharger
wjl(freshmeat) The Widget Jones Library The Widget Jones Library is a lightweight, flex... Télécharger
ldap-haskell(freshmeat) LDAP for Haskell LDAP for Haskell provides an interface to the C... Télécharger
qradio(freshmeat) QRadio QRadio is a Qt GUI for PVR FM radio receivers. ... Télécharger
octave-fltk(freshmeat) Octave-FLTK Octave-FLTK is a language binding to the FLTK G... Télécharger
sunifdef(freshmeat) Sunifdef Sunifdef is a command line tool for eliminating... Télécharger
tcl-snmptools(freshmeat) Tcl SNMP Tools Tcl SNMP Tools is a Tcl package that provides S... Télécharger
tcl-inotify(freshmeat) Tcl Inotify Tcl Inotify is a Tcl interface to the Linux ker... Télécharger
wcal(freshmeat) Wcal Wcal is a Web-based calendar and planner especi... Télécharger
nnnbackup(freshmeat) NNNbackup NNNbackup (No-name network backup) is a simple ... Télécharger
libcx(freshmeat) Libc-X Libc-X provides extensions to the standard C li... Télécharger
asmtrace(freshmeat) AsmTrace AsmTrace reads ELF executables and traces their... Télécharger
ttwcom(freshmeat) ttwcom ttwcom is a command line decoder for .trans and... Télécharger
tinyaml(freshmeat) TinyaML TinyaML is a virtual machine, a compiler, and a... Télécharger
ant-phone(freshmeat) ANT is Not a Telephone ANT is a telephone application for GNU/Linux, I... Télécharger
fltk4d(freshmeat) PlutoLib Pluto is an application library for the D progr... Télécharger
minixml(freshmeat) MiniXML MiniXML provides a simple API used to generate ... Télécharger
grails(freshmeat) Grails Grails is a full stack framework for developing... Télécharger

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