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Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
tunneltools(freshmeat) TunnelTools TunnelTools is a set (currently 2) of Perl scri... Télécharger
cougaar(freshmeat) Cougaar Cougaar is a Java-based architecture for the co... Télécharger
ll-make(freshmeat) ll-make ll-make is a Python-based object oriented make ... Télécharger
sa-hits(freshmeat) sa-hits sa-hits will take an email message processed by... Télécharger
mkautosmb(freshmeat) mkautosmb mkautosmb autodiscovers the local SMB (Windows)... Télécharger
wysihtml(freshmeat) wysihtml wysihtml (What you see is HTML) is an almost-re... Télécharger
pasteit(freshmeat) PasteIt PasteIt is a utility for the Linux desktop that... Télécharger
sprog(freshmeat) Sprog Sprog is a graphical tool that anyone can use t... Télécharger
ianout(freshmeat) ianout ianout is a next generation 2D engine that is i... Télécharger
guatu(freshmeat) GUatu GUatu is a fast (hardware accelerated) GTK/Open... Télécharger
trackspiders(freshmeat) trackSpiders.cgi You can use trackSpiders.cgi to track spiders f... Télécharger
libk8000(freshmeat) libk8000 libk8000 is a C/C++ library to interface with a... Télécharger
k8ktest(freshmeat) k8ktest k8ktest is a program that can be used to test a... Télécharger
usbinfo(freshmeat) USBInfo USBInfo is a program that provides a graphical ... Télécharger
ydweblog(freshmeat) Yellow Duck Weblog Yellow Duck Weblog is a full blown Weblog appli... Télécharger
rpy(freshmeat) RPy RPy is a very simple, yet robust, Python interf... Télécharger
cframe(freshmeat) C-Frame C-frame is a specialized 2D IDE for cross-platf... Télécharger
uitags(freshmeat) uitags uitags is a JSP custom tag library (taglib) tha... Télécharger
stepbill(freshmeat) StepBill StepBill is a clone of XBill for GNUstep. Télécharger
mbuni(freshmeat) Mbuni Mbuni is a Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) g... Télécharger
pymoserver(freshmeat) Via Libre PyMO Server Via Libre PyMO Sever is a preconfigured server ... Télécharger
srcb(freshmeat) SourceBrowser SourceBrowser is a documentation meta-programmi... Télécharger
mailconfiguru(freshmeat) Mail ConfiGuru Mail ConfiGuru is a standalone cross-platform t... Télécharger
crosstool(freshmeat) crosstool crosstool is a set of scripts that make it easy... Télécharger
onefinger(freshmeat) OneFinger OneFinger is a general-purpose GUI for composin... Télécharger
mp3act(freshmeat) mp3act mp3act is an AJAX-based Web interface to a user... Télécharger
wxmusik(freshmeat) wxMusik wxMusik is a fast and lean music library player... Télécharger
daemonize(freshmeat) Daemonize Daemonize is a Ruby module derived from Perl's ... Télécharger
guifications(freshmeat) Guifications Guifications is a Gaim plugin that adds notific... Télécharger
jsholdem(freshmeat) JavaScript Texas Hold 'em JavaScript Texas Hold 'em is a game that runs i... Télécharger
ceemedia(freshmeat) CeeMedia CeeMedia is a program for cataloguing your movi... Télécharger
redcent(freshmeat) RedCent RedCent is a simple FastCGI server to issue ePo... Télécharger
mmu(freshmeat) MikMod Utilities MikMod Utilities is collection of command line ... Télécharger
bib_uploadfile(freshmeat) bib_uploadfile bib_uploadfile is a PHP class that can be used ... Télécharger
pop3eye(freshmeat) Pop3eye Pop3eye is a POP3 email notifier. It can be pla... Télécharger
cryptosync(freshmeat) cryptosync Cryptosync is tool that makes compressed and en... Télécharger
ltfx(freshmeat) Linux Test For X LTFX (Linux Test For X) is a "script"... Télécharger
cytv(freshmeat) CyTV CyTV is a streaming solution for elgato's EyeTV... Télécharger
pylize(freshmeat) pylize pylize is a Python script that makes the creati... Télécharger
d-mail(freshmeat) Dolda Webmail Dolda Webmail (or d-mail for short) is a Webmai... Télécharger
sendymail(freshmeat) SendYmail SendYmail allows you to send email through Yah... Télécharger
abeni(freshmeat) Abeni Abeni is a Gentoo Linux ebuild GUI editor writt... Télécharger
minij(freshmeat) MiniJournal MiniJournal is a lightweight journal or diary t... Télécharger
jlo(freshmeat) jlo jLo is a logging framework for Java offering so... Télécharger
editorlist(freshmeat) Eclipse EditorList Plug-in The EditorList plug-in is an editor manager for... Télécharger
novosecbcext(freshmeat) Novosec Bouncy Castle Extensions Novosec Bouncy Castle Extensions provides some... Télécharger
mono-g2(freshmeat) mono bindings for g2 mono bindings for g2 allows you to access the g... Télécharger
voqdm(freshmeat) Virtual Observatory Quantity Data Model The Virtual Observatory Quantity Data Model (VO... Télécharger
klingofox(freshmeat) Klingofox wapMail Klingofox wapMail is a WAP-based IMAP email cl... Télécharger
csvobjects(freshmeat) CSVObjects CSVObjects is a Java library and extensible fra... Télécharger
pocketpos(freshmeat) PocketPOS PocketPOS is a point of sale terminal that is m... Télécharger
tinyide(freshmeat) TinyIDE TinyIDE is an IDE for C++ projects that is inte... Télécharger
cgilua(freshmeat) CGILua CGILua is a tool for developing dynamic HTML pa... Télécharger
directnet(freshmeat) DirectNet DirectNet is a serverless instant messaging sys... Télécharger
kroupware(freshmeat) Kroupware Kroupware is a Microsoft Exchange replacement t... Télécharger
gpe-contacts(freshmeat) GPE Contacts GPE Contacts stores contact details such as add... Télécharger
triplesec(freshmeat) TripleSec Triplesec is a non-invasive strong authenticati... Télécharger
calistir(freshmeat) Calistir Calistir is a "Run" dialog in Turkish... Télécharger
pdf2psp(freshmeat) PDF 2 PSP PDF 2 PSP is a simple tool for converting PDF d... Télécharger
gtk2_prefs(freshmeat) gtk2_prefs gtk2_prefs is a GTK 2 theme selector and font s... Télécharger
phpsitestats(freshmeat) PHPSiteStats PhpSiteStats is Web-based statistics, monitorin... Télécharger
mneme(freshmeat) Mneme Mneme is a combination of Web application and s... Télécharger
easy_framework(freshmeat) Easy Framework Easy Framework provides the programmatic frame ... Télécharger
vinobase(freshmeat) VinoBase VinoBase is a platform independent management a... Télécharger
gwine(freshmeat) Gwine Gwine is a GNOME wine cellar manager written in... Télécharger
lirccd(freshmeat) LIRC Client Daemon The LIRC Client Daemon is a per-user daemon tha... Télécharger
yass(freshmeat) Yet Another Sudoku Solver Yet Another Sudoku Solver should solve any (sol... Télécharger
mergeant(freshmeat) Mergeant Mergeant is a GNOME GUI to view and manipulate ... Télécharger
treemanager(freshmeat) easy TreeManager easy TreeManager is a bookmark management tool... Télécharger
check_mysql(freshmeat) check_mysql check_mysql runs as a daemon with a continuous ... Télécharger
escape(freshmeat) Escape Escape is a tile-based puzzle game in the style... Télécharger
rasuite(freshmeat) ra-suite ra-suite (Reliable Archive Suite) is a set of p... Télécharger
mwvlan(freshmeat) Mwvlan Mwvlan is a kernel network device driver for th... Télécharger
qlpb(freshmeat) Quick And Little Personal Database Quick And Little Personal Database is a little ... Télécharger
corlpack(freshmeat) Corlpack Corlpack is a faster Ada implementation of the ... Télécharger
trutag(freshmeat) tRuTag tRuTag takes the tags that you have created on ... Télécharger
openkiosk(freshmeat) OpenKiosk OpenKiosk is a multi-platform kiosk management ... Télécharger
chatsniff(freshmeat) ChatSniff ChatSniff is an easy to use program that monito... Télécharger
slatesmalltalk(freshmeat) Clean Slate Smalltalk Slate is a prototype-based object-oriented pro... Télécharger
curves(freshmeat) Curve API Curve API is an implementation of various mathe... Télécharger
spacepong(freshmeat) SpacePong SpacePong is an innovative game that is control... Télécharger
juxtapose(freshmeat) Juxtapose Juxtapose is a GUI client for the XMMS2 music p... Télécharger
eclipsexslt(freshmeat) Orangevolt XSLT Plugin for Eclipse The Orangevolt XSLT Plugin for Eclipse provides... Télécharger
dvd2mp3(freshmeat) dvd2mp3 dvd2mp3 is a Perl script that converts audio tr... Télécharger
pxview(freshmeat) pxview pxview can display information about various ki... Télécharger
recordmms(freshmeat) RecordMMS RecordMMS is a script that records an MMS (Wind... Télécharger
cvsgnome(freshmeat) CVSGnome CVSGnome is a build environment for the GNOME p... Télécharger
visitors(freshmeat) Visitors Visitors processes a Web log file, trying very ... Télécharger
fundanemt(freshmeat) Fundanemt CMS Fundanemt is built upon the philosophy that com... Télécharger
mod_gcj(freshmeat) mod_gcj mod_gcj is an attempt to get Java running withi... Télécharger
quacknews(freshmeat) QuackNews QuackNews is an RSS aggregator that downloads R... Télécharger
cwmtx(freshmeat) cwmtx CwMtx is a library written in C++ that provides... Télécharger
hylt(freshmeat) HyperLinked Text HyperLinked Text (Hylt) is both a file format a... Télécharger
sysreport(freshmeat) SysReport SysReport creates an XML report on a system, in... Télécharger
gg_tk(freshmeat) gg_tk gg_tk is an easy-to-use GTK based C++ library f... Télécharger
gtranslator(freshmeat) gtranslator gtranslator offers a comfortable, colored, and ... Télécharger
osxmail2maildir(freshmeat) osxmail2maildir This utility converts Mac OS X Mail.app mailsto... Télécharger
ricmp(freshmeat) rICMP rICMP is a Linux kernel patch that allows you ... Télécharger
prestopoll(freshmeat) Presto Poll Presto Poll is a Web-based poll system with an ... Télécharger
sudokusolver(freshmeat) Sudoku Solver Sudoku Solver is a command-line tool that will ... Télécharger

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