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Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
wolf-software-string-utilities(freshmeat) Wolf Software String Utilities Class Wolf Software String Utilities Class is a colle... Télécharger
wmtheme(sfnet) wmtheme wmtheme is a window manager theme utility. It c... Télécharger
moderncombat(sfnet) moderncombat Modern Combat... not to be completed so quickly... Télécharger
paludis(freshmeat) Paludis Paludis is a package manager for Gentoo (and de... Télécharger
xarizgaming(sfnet) xarizgaming XarizGaming TTT Map Pack Télécharger
jubler(freshmeat) Jubler Jubler is a tool for editing text-based subtitl... Télécharger
raspicam(sfnet) raspicam This library allows to use the Raspberry Pi Cam... Télécharger
ldap-address-book(freshmeat) LDAP Address Book LDAP Address Book is a Web application for brow... Télécharger
farly(freshmeat) Farly Farly provides firewall access-list searches, a... Télécharger
boxshade(sfnet) boxshade Boxshade is a program for creating good looking... Télécharger
phpdivelog(freshmeat) phpDiveLog phpDiveLog displays the information of your Aqu... Télécharger
xosl-ow(sfnet) xosl-ow Extended Operating System Loader (XOSL) is a fu... Télécharger
cloverefiboot(sfnet) Clover EFI bootloader This is EFI-based bootloader for BIOS-based com... Télécharger
pioneers(freshmeat) Pioneers Pioneers is a faithful Gtk2 translation of the ... Télécharger
nadozza-linux(freshmeat) Nadozza Linux Nadozza Linux is a Linux distribution that is m... Télécharger
ipt-netflow(freshmeat) Ipt-netflow ipt-netflow is high performance NetFlow exporti... Télécharger
solr_pager(freshmeat) solr_pager solr_pager is a SOLR paging component (plugin) ... Télécharger
karlyriceditor(freshmeat) Karaoke Lyrics Editor Karaoke Lyric Editor is a GUI application to ed... Télécharger
sessiond(freshmeat) sessiond sessiond allows a cluster of SSL/TLS servers to... Télécharger
open-xchange-virtual-appliance(freshmeat) Open-Xchange Virtual Appliance Open-Xchange Virtual Appliance is a virtual app... Télécharger
joomlawatch(freshmeat) JoomlaWatch JoomlaWatch allows you to watch your Web site v... Télécharger
boat-scenario(freshmeat) Boat Scenario Boat Scenario is a sailing drawing tool. It can... Télécharger
rpygtk(freshmeat) RPyGTK RPyGTK is a GTK+ based frontend for R designed ... Télécharger
tixi(freshmeat) TIXI TIXI is a fast and simple XML interface library... Télécharger
nastranpatransyntax(sfnet) MSC Patran & Nastran Syntax Highlighting Syntax definitions for MSC Patran and MSC Nastr... Télécharger
lyra(freshmeat) Lyra Lyra is a front-end to the Music Player Daemon ... Télécharger
jorgan(sfnet) jorgan jOrgan - Java Virtual Organ Télécharger
s6-networking(freshmeat) s6-networking s6-networking is a collection of small Unix too... Télécharger
trinux(sfnet) Trinux: A Linux Security Toolkit Trinux is a small ramdisk/floppy based Linux di... Télécharger
source-ruckus-linux(freshmeat) Source Ruckus Linux Source Ruckus Linux is an embeddable, robust Li... Télécharger
squirreloutlook(sfnet) Squirrelmail Outlook Skin Theme SquirrelOutlook is a standards-based webmail pa... Télécharger
autowpchange(sfnet) AutoWallpaper This simple application automatically changes t... Télécharger
pcraster(sfnet) PCRaster PCRaster is a collection of tools and software ... Télécharger
firestarter(sfnet) FireStarter The goal of FireStarter is to provide easy to u... Télécharger
proyectgeneral(sfnet) ProyectGeneral Almacen de proyectos varios Télécharger
source-ruckus-packager(freshmeat) Source Ruckus Packager The Source Ruckus Packager (SRP) is a lightweig... Télécharger
wolf-software-latitude-and-lon(freshmeat) Wolf Software Latitude and Longitude Class Wolf Software Latitude and Longitude Class is a... Télécharger
hxcfloppyemu(sfnet) HxC Floppy Drive Emulator The aim of HxC Floppy Emulator project is to pr... Télécharger
alscan(freshmeat) Alscan alscan extracts data from Web server access log... Télécharger
lettersfall-2(freshmeat) LettersFall 2 LettersFall 2 is a word game that combines Tetr... Télécharger
gwt-mpv-apt(freshmeat) gwt-mpv-apt gwt-mpv-apt is a annotation processor (natively... Télécharger
jipes(freshmeat) Jipes Jipes is a Java library that allows you to effi... Télécharger
ngsonestop(sfnet) NGSonestop No description Télécharger
mubuntuproject(sfnet) MU Linux Project It's an Ubuntu-based Linux distro, that combine... Télécharger
libglass(freshmeat) libGlass libGlass is a scalable set of components that c... Télécharger
weather-or-not(freshmeat) WeatherLog WeatherLog is an application for keeping track ... Télécharger
noa-libre(freshmeat) NOA-libre Due to C portability, OpenOffice.org's usual mi... Télécharger
webpagecms(sfnet) Webpage CMS No description Télécharger
urubinaries(sfnet) uru binaries Be more productive using the multiple rubies on... Télécharger
dircmp(sfnet) dircmp a shell script to recursively compare 2 directo... Télécharger
pagesdialect(sfnet) Pages Dialect for Thymeleaf This dialect for Thymeleaf add some utilities l... Télécharger
bender2k(sfnet) bender2k bender site projexts Télécharger
langner(freshmeat) Langner Langer is an object oriented, rule based progra... Télécharger
tryton(freshmeat) Tryton Tryton is a three-tier high-level general purpo... Télécharger
the-crud-application-for-ujorm(freshmeat) Demo-Hotels Demo-Hotels is a Web-based hotel booking system... Télécharger
ct-guict-synth(freshmeat) CT-gui/CT-synth/CT-farfisa CT-gui is a touch-friendly GUI toolkit which ca... Télécharger
data2l(freshmeat) Data2l Data2l is a language neutral, platform neutral ... Télécharger
epquick(sfnet) EP-Quick EP-Quick is a simple program that creates an En... Télécharger
wnsqlbuilder(sfnet) WordNet SQL builder Java utility to generate SQL database from Word... Télécharger
quranterjemah(sfnet) quran-terjemah Quran-Terjemah-English is an offline version of... Télécharger
freecuteresponsivetemplate(sfnet) Free Cute Responsive Template Cute Template is a responsive grid system full ... Télécharger
timeit(freshmeat) TimeIT TimeIT is a time tracker that works quietly alm... Télécharger
cagarf(sfnet) Cagar Laporan keuangan perusahaan tercatat di IDX Télécharger
eoconv(freshmeat) eoconv eoconv is a tool that converts text files to an... Télécharger
bluegps4droid(sfnet) Bluetooth GPS for Android An application for using an external bluetooth ... Télécharger
simdx86(sfnet) SIMDx86 This library is meant for high performance calc... Télécharger
pcmanfm(sfnet) PCMan File Manager An extremly fast and lightweight file manager w... Télécharger
pepsal(sfnet) PEPsal PEPsal is an integrated, multi-layer, transpare... Télécharger
ssbcrashds(sfnet) ssbcrashds Super Smash Bros Crash! DS 2009-2010 Télécharger
tkdo-ii(freshmeat) TkDo (II) TkDo is a simple todo manager. Rather than usin... Télécharger
colorsynth(sfnet) ColorSynth Source code ColorSynth MIDI controlled RGB LED ... Télécharger
wolf-software-astrological-cla(freshmeat) Wolf Software Astrological Class Wolf Software Astrological Class is a simple as... Télécharger
aqua-wind(sfnet) AQUA-wind Advanced Quality Assurance for Aerometric-Data ... Télécharger
ubuntusoftware(sfnet) ubuntusoftware software for supporting linux ubuntu Télécharger
sixtyfourbitcompiles(sfnet) 64bit compiles A Small collection of open-source applications ... Télécharger
pasdikmen(sfnet) PAS DIKMEN Master File dan Dokumentasi Pendataan Dikmen Télécharger
twinkle(sfnet) Twinkle Flashcards Flashcard program for Palm Pilot handhelds. Jav... Télécharger
gqview-win(sfnet) GQview for Win32 GQview is an excellent image viewer under Linux... Télécharger
supermount-ng(sfnet) Supermount removable media support Supermount is a pseudo-filesystem which manages... Télécharger
textlocal-api2-wrapper(freshmeat) Textlocal API2 Wrapper Textlocal API2 Wrapper is a PHP class that can ... Télécharger
cryptbackup(freshmeat) CryptBackup CryptBackup is an encrypted backup application ... Télécharger
t42(freshmeat) T42 T42 is a powerful mobile transit navigation sys... Télécharger
final-config(freshmeat) Final Config Final Config implements the preference dialogue... Télécharger
hot-property(freshmeat) Hot Property Hot Property allows you to manage properties on... Télécharger
minivmac(freshmeat) Mini vMac Mini vMac emulates a Macintosh Plus, one of the... Télécharger
classh(freshmeat) classh classh is yet another wrapper around ssh for ru... Télécharger
pdofy(freshmeat) Pdofy Pdofy is a simple PHP class for database driven... Télécharger
nursescheduling(sfnet) nursescheduling Pretty simple nurse scheduling solution as a le... Télécharger
htmlbutcher(freshmeat) HTMLButcher HTMLButcher is an advanced HTML slicing tool. I... Télécharger
spaceodyssey3d(freshmeat) spaceodyssey3d spaceodyssey3d provides a Java object system fo... Télécharger
asteris(freshmeat) asteris asteris is an engine for Metroid Fusion clones,... Télécharger
ghack(freshmeat) Ghack Ghack is a roguelike game written with GNUstep ... Télécharger
wolf-software-holidays-class(freshmeat) Wolf Software Holidays Class Wolf Software Holidays Class is a simple and li... Télécharger
jpgind(freshmeat) jpgind Jpgind is a command-line tool for generating st... Télécharger
coocox(sfnet) CooCox CoOS Real Time Kernel CooCox CoOS is an Embedded RTOS specially for A... Télécharger
javascript-ui-language(freshmeat) JavaScript UI Language The JavaScript UI Language (JUL) is a configura... Télécharger
priority(sfnet) Priority Estimation Tool (AHP) Priorty Estimation Tool (PriEsT) is a decision ... Télécharger
chromium-bsu(freshmeat) Chromium B.S.U. You are captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.... Télécharger
a1404mm(sfnet) Anno 1404 Modification Manager An application to create and manage modificatio... Télécharger
rago600(sfnet) Rego600 heatpump controler interface This project describing how to connect PC to Re... Télécharger

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